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Delivered: Sporting Goods Emails

What’s in our inbox this month: Sporting goods emails


Sports Authority’s email is a grand slam. The colorful piece offers numerous deals, eclectic featured products, a clear call-to- action, the company’s social links, and quick links to each activity for which the store has equipment. The store locator and events calendar seldom-seen nice touches, and the variety of sports and brands the company shows off certainly validates the name of the store.


On first glance Modell’s email appears to be geared toward weight lifters; each of the four featured items is lifting-related. Mo’s, though, includes tabs at the top of the email for each sport and activity it carries gear for, so the reader has ample reason to click on the links. The call-to-action is distinct and the email boasts plenty of pertinent company information—social media info, deals, store locator, etc.—to garner click in several areas.



The slang terms Eastbay uses in the subject line—“cop” referring to “purchase,” and “hot” meaning “popular”—may immediately turn away some recipients. However, the revolving pictures in the email, coupled with an aesthetic layout and compelling call-to-action, are all slam dunks. Clear instructions for unsubscribing, navigating to the company’s website, and contacting customer service are enough to make the most ambivalent shopper “cop” some “hot” gear from Eastbay. A swing and a miss.


Dick’s’ email addressed to “Valued Customer,” but in addition there are no featured items or pictures of any kind to attract customers’ attention. The email does offer a 10% discount on the recipient’s next order and contain a clear call-to-action, but it’s so plain as to look like it was  thrown together almost as an afterthought.


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