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Marketing Channels
1640 posts
Facebook’s malaise
Recent good news on the Twitter front has marketers all atw—er, all abuzz about its potential as a…
Twitter traffic booming: comScore
According to comScore, Twitter hit 10 million unique worldwide users in February. Sure this seems like a far…
Can this spam data be like April snow in NYC?
Supposedly it snowed here in Manhattan about an hour ago — I didn’t see it, since I don’t…
Two senators seek mobile CAN-SPAM
Two US senators, Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), are looking to enact legislation around marketing on…
In blogs we trust
According to a Twitter post I came across (Deric Loh) that linked to an article on a site…
A cranberry chat
I had a great talk with Larry Martin, the VP of marketing at Ocean Spray, as well as…
Spam is back on the rise
The New York Times’ Bits blog reported that spam is back on the rise (per Google’s Postini division)…
The RealAge of marketing
I always knew that those Facebook quizzes were gathering data, but today’s New York Times hones in on…
Around the social world
A UK government official is considering monitoring conversations on social networking sites — for example, Facebook chats. This…
Netflix integrates with Facebook
Netflix is making its movie watching experience even more social by integrating with Facebook. The DVD-by-mail and online…