Hitmetrix - User behavior analytics & recording

Data, personalization key to converting offline mailer into online visitor

As 2009 begins, many top analyst firms are predicting marketing budget dollars will be redirected. The premise is quite simple: It’s easier to keep a customer than it is to get a new one. Imagine all the data companies have been sitting on for years – from CRM, leasing, sales, software renewals, helpdesk logs and maintenance.

Companies are now positioned to maintain and grow loyalty by holistically viewing this multiple input and leveraging data analytics to “predict” future buying behaviors. Successful, inno­vative companies will begin to re-engineer their marketing departments, bringing CRM strategies to new highs, as past data is used to improve future marketing efforts in the form of personalization, relevant promo­tions and targeted messaging.

If data analytics drives more personal­ization, then we can expect direct mail to follow. The personalization of messaging and imagery helps cut through the clutter and move to the top of the stack.

A good example is this matchbook cover mailer. Before text messaging, matchbox covers were used as a way to exchange phone numbers. This slick, full color mailer cleverly taps into that era and if left around the house, may get you in a little trouble. The inscription on the match cover resembles a handwrit­ten message, which includes the reader’s first name – further supporting how personalization can drive a call to action. In this case, the mailer drives the reader to their own personal­ized URL, www.hottestthing.com, which seamlessly links their offline print marketing to online.

The personal URL is equally engaging — a “matchstick” lights up, and personal­ized, dynamic content surfaces. As this cus­tomer interactive plays out, the marketer obtains important data and interests of the reader. The software tracks the clicks, time on-site, information read and pages viewed, enabling the marketer to extend the conversation with another personalized e-mail or a call from the CRM team.

Again, this data is used to improve the relevancy of the promotion and drive better results. By tying together the offline mailer to the online promotion, the marketer is able to provide an “end to end” campaign measurement and a prov­able return on investment.

2009 will be a year of change — so get your data, use it creatively and innovate constantly.

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