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App of the Week: Adobe Connect Mobile

Hosting, attending, presenting, and collaborating in meetings from remote locations usually requires a laptop. Adobe aims to change that with its Connect Mobile app.

The app lets users use their smartphone or tablet to host or join online meetings, webinars, or training created by Adobe Connect account holders. Presentations, documents, and multimedia content from the user’s cloud library can be shared in a manner that ensures all fonts and imagery appear as intended.

Connect Mobile aims to ameliorate users’ lives with features such as the ability to advance slides and control animations, change layouts, take shared notes, run polls, and whiteboard. The app even allows users to host multipoint videoconferences to visually collaborate with colleagues in various locations.

Additionally, Connect Mobile keeps the meeting control in the host’s hands. It lets the host begin and end meetings; regulate the meeting’s audio, video, and recordings; manage attendance requests and attendee roles (host, presenter, or participant); and remove unwanted guests.

According to these reviews, Adobe connected on a home run with the app:

Jessica Wells knows the score:

Connect Mobile lets Andy Do release his inner Ferris Bueller:

The app’s wonders never cease to amaze:

It can even be used to track viewers:

In addition, Connect Mobile can help improve…sigh…selfies:

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