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Lectric eBike sees sharp rise in organic traffic due to SEO strategy

"eBike SEO Strategy"
“eBike SEO Strategy”

Lectric eBike, a leading ecommerce retailer of electric bikes, has recently seen a boost in its organic search traffic. This increase is a direct result of the company’s revised SEO strategy aiming to improve its online presence and search engine rankings.

The newly implemented strategy resulted in a drastic jump in organic clicks per month, from 37,000 to 210,000. Achieved by targeting high-volume commercial keywords and rigorous site optimization, the company also saw a decrease in its website’s bounce rate and an improvement in user experience, leading to higher conversion rates.

Leveraging digital PR and customer journey mapping, Lecture eBike secured positions among the top three for competitive searches like “electric bike” and “eBike. This strategy has not only increased the company’s digital visibility but also significantly boosted its online lead generation.

Boosting organic traffic through SEO strategy

To improve brand-centric searches for “Lectric eBike”, the company strategically placed links within content at key customer engagement points. They also capitalized on various content marketing channels such as blogging, podcasts, infographics, and white papers, all loaded with high-traffic keywords related to Lectric eBike.

Despite its relatively recent entry into the market, Lectric eBike has sold over 400,000 eBikes in the past four years. As of January 2022, their website had only 37,000 sessions, but with their dedicated SEO strategy, they recorded over 100,000 sessions by March.

They’ve made a massive leap in their digital presence by targeting high-volume commercial intent keywords, with “electric bike” now ranking third with 246,000 monthly searches and “eBike” ranking first with 90,500 average monthly searches. The brand keyword “Lectric eBike” registers 40,500 searches but attracts an impressive 32,400 in traffic on average.

In conclusion, securing a top three position on Google is a critical goal for any ecommerce company, a feat which Lectric eBike has managed to achieve. However, maintaining this position will require consistent effort and continuous advancement in SEO techniques. Despite the significant progress made, the journey of search engine optimization is far from complete, and the company will need to identify new SEO opportunities and adjust their approaches to keep up with the competition and market trends.

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