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Marketing Channels: Changing, Growing, Helping

Modern marketing channels are in a constant state of flux. Therefore, it's vital for you to know what's available and how to best use it.
Modern marketing channels are in a constant state of flux. Therefore, it’s vital for you to know what’s available and how to best use it.

Modern marketing channels are in a constant state of flux. Therefore, it’s vital for you to know what’s available and how to best use it.

Let’s cut to the chase. Here’s a look at the best marketing channels and how to use them.

1. Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM)

We’ve all done it since we can recall. Most people call it friendly banter. But most marketers call it word-of-mouth marketing, the marketing magic wand. WOMM is the oldest and most effective marketing method.

A few facts that back up the hype:

  • According to recent research, 93% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family.
  • In addition, 83% of happy customers will refer friends.
  • Furthermore, research has shown that referrals from friends increase sales by four times.

Given these figures, it’s simple to see why marketers love WOMM.

Step one is to engage. Give yourself to your target market. Interact with them. Take note of their brand mentions. Stay close to them till your brand becomes their first thought when they wake up. Give them something to talk about. Aim to wow your customers.

It can be great services, great products, great tales, or even amusing revelations. Whatever you choose, make sure it leaves an impression on your target market.

Finally, empower your target audience to communicate and share. Let your supporters know you value their input as much as they do. Help people share your content with their networks.

2. Social Media: The Ultimate Marketing Tool

Who doesn’t know how important social media is in marketing right now? Social media marketing is still one of the finest strategies to increase brand exposure. Also, social media provides the unique potential for community formation.

Furthermore, the numbers show it:

  • According to recent studies, social media marketing is beneficial for 73% of marketers.
  • 54% of social browsers do product research.
  • Twitter advertisements outperform live TV ads by 11%.

Do you want to improve your social media marketing? Then first, pick the right platforms. Consistent posting on social media is difficult if you’re on multiple networks. Marketers should focus on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

In addition, consider transparency. It’s possible to be professional and social without being crude. Therefore, respond to unfavorable feedback with grace. In addition, show behind-the-scenes content. Your target market will notice and trust you more.

People who want to be sold to will go to your website. However, they come to social media to learn about your brand. Aim to engage them intensely. However, don’t treat them like an open wallet.

Creating a social media marketing strategy targeted to each platform you use will certainly yield success. Patience pays, they say.

3. SEO Marketing

Make no mistake. Today’s top digital marketing channels are search engines. Undeniably, they are the best way to attract attention. If you think we’re faking it, consider these stats:

  • According to recent research, Google receives around 3.5 billion queries per day.
  • 87% of people use a search engine to research new products or services.
  • In addition, the first five organic results receive 67% of all clicks on the first page.

According to these figures, optimizing all of your channels for SEO can increase traffic and conversions.

However, it’s good to know that SEO changes all the time. Marketers’ strategies must be ready to adjust accordingly.

Therefore, don’t allow budget constraints to stop you from unleashing your inner SEO king. You have options like motion graphics and phone recordings. In addition, keep in mind that SEO is all about people.

Furthermore, most search engine changes favor people-friendly content. Additionally, follow user trends, buyer personas, and human behavior.

This, combined with technical SEO, may help your marketing campaigns soar. When researching keywords, include user intent search queries. In addition, include voice search queries. Adapt your CTAs to referrals. This works for location and keyword searches as well.

Perhaps your website is your primary SEO priority. However, don’t overlook your blog. In addition, make sure you are checking Google My Business Profile, infographics, and your YouTube channel.

4. Content is Key (and King)

First of all, it’s not a numbers game anymore. It’s a relevance game. You must develop information that is informative, interesting, and inspiring.

Traditional marketing preaches. Content marketing engages.

Next, the figures:

  • Recent research shows that 95% of people feel content increases brand trust.
  • Additionally, 61 percent of readers have purchased a blog article recommendation.
  • Content marketing is 62% cheaper than traditional marketing. It also generates three times as many leads.

This marketing channel has long-term SEO benefits. It also helps generate leads and create relationships.

5. Mailing Lists

While marketing clairvoyants predict the end of email marketing, the stats say otherwise.

  • Research shows that 4.15 billion people use email.
  • By 2025, this figure should reach 4.6 billion.
  • Furthermore, 78 percent of marketers feel email is critical to their brand’s success.

Additionally, Millennials prefer email communications from businesses (73%). Finally, the iPhone is the most popular mobile email client, accounting for 29% of all opens.

More email subscribers mean more leads. We all know that more leads mean more money.

6. PPC Marketing

Pay-per-click marketing is a form of digital marketing where advertisers are charged a fee each time their ads are clicked.

Currently, Facebook and Google are the two major players in PPC. Google’s search ads might help you connect with people looking for similar services or products.

Meanwhile, paid social ads on Facebook and display ads on Google can help you reach those who weren’t looking or didn’t know you existed.

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