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Positively Pivot Your Marketing Data Strategy


The ever-evolving marketing environment requires businesses to stay up-to-date on data standard insights in order to maintain an effective approach. To offer these insights, Claravine partnered with Advertiser Perceptions for an in-depth examination of the present state of marketing data and its impact on strategies. The study highlighted the importance of data standardization and its correlation with successful marketing campaigns, emphasizing the need for businesses to adapt and optimize their data management practices. Furthermore, it also uncovered the challenges marketers face in accessing and integrating data across various platforms, stressing the need to develop unified and organized data systems to achieve better results in marketing initiatives.

Survey Findings

A thorough survey involving 140 marketers and agencies was conducted, which encompassed topics such as privacy regulations, AI adoption, and data organization techniques. The results revealed that an increasing number of marketing professionals are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of data privacy and are taking steps to ensure compliance with privacy regulations. Additionally, the study highlighted a growing interest in AI adoption to enhance marketing strategies and streamline data organization processes, with more and more agencies turning to advanced tools to optimize their efforts.

Webinar Overview

A webinar scheduled for Wednesday, November 8, will explore the findings of this survey, including comparisons of marketing data management methods used by enterprise advertisers, a summary of modern data standards and analytics, and practical strategies for enhancing marketing data on the go. The virtual conference will feature leading industry experts who will share their insights on how to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of marketing data management, and address the challenges associated with keeping up with these changes. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in live discussions, ask questions, and take away actionable tips and best practices to optimize their marketing data strategies.

Expert Insights

Chris Comstock, Chief Growth Officer at Claravine, will provide advice on performance benchmarking, privacy risk reduction, and data-driven ROI enhancement, as well as investigating how top advertisers are managing data. In this in-depth analysis, Comstock will explore the current landscape of data management, highlighting trends and best practices utilized by industry leaders to help businesses stay ahead of the curve. Additionally, he will discuss key strategies and tools that can be implemented by advertisers to maximize their return on investment while maintaining a strong focus on protecting consumer data privacy.

Value for All Marketers

This event offers valuable information and tactics for marketers at all levels. From beginners to seasoned professionals, attendees can expect to gain fresh insights and innovative strategies to elevate their marketing game. Interactive workshops, expert-led sessions, and networking opportunities combine to create a comprehensive learning experience designed to leave each participant inspired and ready to tackle today’s rapidly-evolving marketing landscape.

Access Recorded Webinar

Even if you are unable to attend the live webinar, registering will give you access to a recorded version after its completion. This enables you to reap the benefits of the presentation at your own convenience, ensuring that you don’t miss out on valuable information. Furthermore, it provides the opportunity for you to review and revisit the content as needed, thus solidifying your understanding of the topic.

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By subscribing to our newsletter, you will receive daily advice, updates, and practical insights in the realm of digital marketing, enabling you to excel in your work. In this fast-paced, ever-changing industry, staying informed about the latest trends, tools, and strategies is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. With our expertly curated content and actionable tips, you will be well-equipped to navigate the dynamic landscape of digital marketing and drive success for your business.


What is the main focus of Claravine and Advertiser Perceptions’ study?

The study focuses on the importance of data standardization and its correlation with successful marketing campaigns. It also explores the challenges marketers face in accessing and integrating data across various platforms and the need for unified and organized data systems.

What were the key findings of the survey involving 140 marketers and agencies?

The survey results revealed that marketing professionals are increasingly aware of the importance of data privacy and are taking steps to ensure compliance with privacy regulations. Additionally, there is a growing interest in AI adoption to enhance marketing strategies and streamline data organization processes.

What topics will be covered in the upcoming webinar?

The webinar will explore the findings of the survey, comparisons of marketing data management methods used by enterprise advertisers, a summary of modern data standards and analytics, and practical strategies for enhancing marketing data on the go.

Who can benefit from attending the webinar?

Marketers at all levels can benefit from attending the webinar. From beginners to seasoned professionals, attendees can gain fresh insights and innovative strategies to elevate their marketing game.

Is there an option to access the webinar even if I can’t attend it live?

Yes, by registering for the webinar, you will have access to a recorded version after its completion. This allows you to watch the presentation at your own convenience and review the content as needed.

What can I expect by subscribing to the daily insights newsletter?

By subscribing to the newsletter, you will receive daily advice, updates, and practical insights in the realm of digital marketing, helping you stay informed about the latest trends, tools, and strategies essential for maintaining a competitive edge in the industry.

First Reported on: searchenginejournal.com
Featured Image Credit: Photo by Pixabay; Pexels; Thank you!

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