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Nestlé’s Soaring Growth Defies Market Challenges


Nestlé, the food and beverage giant, has revealed a robust third-quarter (Q3) performance, with a 7.8% organic growth spanning its categories and regions. The company attributes the positive results to portfolio optimization and increased marketing investments in its leading “billionaire” brands. Although real internal growth saw a 0.6% decline, Nestlé anticipates it will turn positive in the latter half of the year, becoming the principal driver of growth moving forward. In addition to these efforts, Nestlé’s commitment to innovation and tapping into emerging consumer trends has also played a significant role in driving this impressive growth. The company continues to focus on expanding into new market segments, such as plant-based offerings and functional beverages, to capitalize on the changing landscape of consumer preferences and maintain this momentum in the coming quarters.

CEO’s Statement

CEO Mark Schneider stated, “Our diversified portfolio and differentiated offerings have enabled us to achieve strong organic growth during the first nine months of the year.” He recognized that price hikes were necessary due to unprecedented inflation levels, but also mentioned that recovery of volume and mix was in progress. Schneider emphasized the value of staying adaptable and innovative in the face of evolving market conditions to ensure continued success for the company. He reassured investors and consumers that the organization will continue to prioritize providing high-quality products while implementing strategies to mitigate the impacts of inflation on their business operations.

Growth in Developing Regions and E-commerce

Developing regions, retail sales, and e-commerce sales showed particularly strong growth, with 7.1% and 12.7% increases, respectively. Leading categories featured Purina pet care products and coffee-related items, with Starbucks products experiencing significant expansion. As economies gradually recover from the pandemic, consumer demand in these sectors reflects the increasing need for convenient, timely, and efficient shopping experiences. Nestlé’s strategic partnerships and consistent innovation in both pet care and coffee-related products have also contributed to their impressive growth, allowing the company to stay ahead in an ever-evolving market landscape.

Challenges in Health Science and Water-based Divisions

Nevertheless, Nestlé’s health science and water-based divisions only saw low single-digit growth, and slow birth rates led to reduced demand for infant and baby products. In response to the changing market conditions, Nestlé has been focusing on innovative strategies to drive sales and adapt their product offerings to cater to evolving consumer preferences. Concurrently, the company is working on strengthening the performance of their health science and water-based divisions by investing in research and development, as well as targeted marketing campaigns.

Increased Marketing Investments

CFO François-Xavier Roger attributed the encouraging outlook to marketing investments and announced plans to invest 100 basis points more in marketing during the latter half of this year compared to the same period in 2022. These additional marketing investments are expected to further boost the company’s visibility and sales, strengthening its competitive position in the market. Building on the success of previous campaigns, the increased budget will allow for the exploration of new channels and strategies to effectively engage with consumers and drive growth.

Flagship Brands Remain Strong

Nestlé also highlighted that its flagship brands, like KitKat, have sustained customer awareness and demand despite an 8% price hike across the board. This increase in price has not deterred loyal consumers, as the enduring popularity of these brands is built on consistent quality and taste that customers associate with Nestlé products. The company’s ability to maintain such high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty, even in the face of price adjustments, showcases the strength of their brand power and long-standing reputation in the market.

Focus on Internal Growth and Marketing Investments

In the future, Nestlé intends to concentrate on internal growth and increasing marketing investments. To achieve this, the company plans to focus on enhancing product innovation and improving customer satisfaction across its wide range of products. Additionally, Nestlé will leverage data-driven marketing strategies to target and engage with consumers more effectively, driving sales and strengthening brand loyalty.

Addressing Inflation and Price Hikes

While the company believes that consumers may absorb some price increases due to pandemic-related savings, it may also implement selective price hikes in categories experiencing continued input cost inflation. To mitigate the impact on consumers, the company plans to carefully assess which product categories will undergo price adjustments, targeting those with the highest inflation rates. Furthermore, they will actively monitor the market trends and consumers’ response to these changes, ensuring the price hikes are balanced and do not overly burden customers during these challenging times.


Nestlé’s Q3 performance showcases the company’s ability to navigate through turbulent market conditions while still focusing on growth, innovation, and maintaining strong brand loyalty. As the food and beverage giant continues to prioritize internal growth, portfolio optimization, and strategic marketing investments, its commitment to adaptability and meeting emerging consumer trends positions them for continued success in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What was Nestlé’s organic growth in Q3?

Nestlé reported a 7.8% organic growth in Q3, which was driven by their portfolio optimization and increased marketing investments in their leading “billionaire” brands.

What is Nestlé’s strategy for maintaining growth in the future?

Nestlé plans to focus on internal growth, increasing marketing investments, enhancing product innovation, and improving customer satisfaction across its wide range of products. They will also leverage data-driven marketing strategies to better engage with consumers.

Which Nestlé sectors experienced strong growth?

Developing regions, retail sales, and e-commerce sales showed strong growth. Leading categories featured Purina pet care products and coffee-related items, including Starbucks products.

How is Nestlé addressing the challenges in its health science and water-based divisions?

Nestlé is focusing on innovative strategies, investing in research and development, and implementing targeted marketing campaigns to strengthen the performance of their health science and water-based divisions.

What is Nestlé’s approach to addressing inflation and price hikes?

Nestlé plans to carefully assess which product categories will undergo price adjustments, targeting those with the highest inflation rates. They will actively monitor market trends and consumer responses to these changes, ensuring the price hikes are balanced and do not overly burden customers.

How has Nestlé maintained customer satisfaction even with price increases?

Nestlé’s flagship brands, such as KitKat, have sustained customer awareness and demand due to their consistent quality and taste. The company’s ability to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty showcases the strength of their brand power and long-standing reputation in the market.

First Reported on: marketingweek.com
Featured Image Credit: Photo by AlphaTradeZone; Pexels; Thank you!


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