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Revealing Kids’ Insights for Powerful Marketing

Adults, children, banks, authorities, and even huge internet firms are not immune to social media risks. Here's how to steer clear of them.
Adults, children, banks, authorities, and even huge internet firms are not immune to social media risks. Here’s how to steer clear of them.


In the current digital era, top marketing executives (CMOs) are discovering inspiration from an unlikely source – their own offspring. Numerous CMOs have observed that their children have significantly influenced their marketing strategies, often acting as casual focus groups and offering essential insights about their perceptions of social media and well-known brands. As one CMO mentioned, the defining characteristic of a contemporary CMO is to remain perpetually curious, a trait evident in the behavior of their teenage offspring. Indeed, the younger generation’s inherent curiosity, adaptability, and familiarity with technology make them a valuable resource in understanding today’s ever-changing marketing landscape.

Proximity and Understanding

This proximity to their children’s thoughts and reactions to digital platforms and trends allows CMOs to develop more effective, targeted strategies to captivate and engage audiences from diverse age groups, ultimately leading to a more successful outreach and a better understanding of consumer desires. However, CMOs also understand that depending solely on their children’s insights may not be adequate. The crucial factor is to find equilibrium between appreciating this personal contribution while also recognizing the significance of gathering data from multiple sources and depending on the knowledge of larger marketing teams.

Combining Insights and Expertise

Incorporating diverse perspectives and information allows for a more well-rounded and comprehensive understanding of the target audience’s preferences and behaviors. Thus, a combination of personal experiences, data-driven insights, and collective expertise from marketing teams is the key to crafting effective marketing strategies that resonate with consumers.

Observing and Interacting

Conversations during car trips and daily interactions over dinner or while watching television have emerged as effective methods for CMOs to understand their children’s viewpoints on marketing content. Many have revealed that they often show initial drafts of commercials or social media content to their kids for feedback. In addition to providing unique insights into the mind of the younger generation, this approach can help create more engaging and relatable marketing campaigns. By incorporating their children’s opinions and suggestions, CMOs can ensure that their content resonates with a broader audience, ultimately leading to increased brand awareness and success.

Learning from the Younger Generation

By studying and observing their children’s ways of communication, receptiveness, and motivation, CMOs can strengthen their marketing and managerial skills, enhancing their comprehension of their target demographics and becoming more aware of the subtle complexities involved in consumer interaction. Furthermore, examining the evolving demands and preferences of younger audiences can help CMOs stay ahead of marketing trends, adapting their strategies to create more effective and engaging campaigns. In doing so, these insights can lead to a deeper understanding of consumer behavior patterns, ultimately optimizing the success of their marketing initiatives.

The Holistic Approach

In the end, the combination of personal insights from their children and professional expertise in the industry can help improve marketing tactics and result in stronger connections with the intended audience. This holistic approach allows for the creation of more authentic and engaging marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers on a deeper level. By incorporating the unique perspectives of children and industry professionals, businesses can foster long-term relationships with their audience, ensuring their brand’s success in an ever-changing market.


Marketing executives can significantly benefit from the insights provided by their children, while also understanding the importance of utilizing data from various sources and collaborating with their marketing teams. Through these combined approaches, CMOs can craft marketing strategies that are effective, engaging, and authentic. By taking the time to learn from their children’s perspectives and incorporating diverse input from their teams, they can enhance their understanding of the market, create superior campaigns, and ultimately secure the success of their brand in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

What roles do CMOs’ kids play in shaping marketing strategies?

CMO’s children often act as casual focus groups, providing critical insights about their perceptions of social media and popular brands. They exhibit curiosity, adaptability, and familiarity with technology, making them valuable resources for understanding the marketing landscape.

Why is proximity to their children’s thoughts crucial for CMOs?

Being close to their children’s thoughts and reactions to digital platforms and trends helps CMOs to develop more effective strategies to captivate and engage diverse audiences. This leads to successful outreach and better understanding of consumer desires.

How can CMOs maintain a balance between their children’s insights and data from other sources?

CMOs should find equilibrium between appreciating their children’s contributions while also recognizing the importance of gathering data from multiple sources and relying on the knowledge of their marketing teams. This combination of personal experiences, data-driven insights, and collective expertise is key to crafting effective marketing strategies.

How can observing and interacting with their kids help CMOs improve marketing campaigns?

By watching their children’s viewpoints on marketing content and gathering feedback on initial drafts of commercials or social media content, CMOs can create more engaging and relatable marketing campaigns. This ensures their content resonates with a broader audience, leading to increased brand awareness and success.

What can CMOs learn from the younger generation’s communication, receptiveness, and motivation?

Studying these aspects helps CMOs strengthen their marketing and managerial skills, enhance their understanding of target demographics, and become more aware of the subtle complexities in consumer interaction. This can also help CMOs stay ahead of marketing trends and adapt their strategies to create more effective and engaging campaigns.

How does a holistic approach to marketing lead to better connections with the intended audience?

The combination of personal insights from children and professional expertise in the industry allows for the creation of more authentic and engaging marketing campaigns that resonate with consumers on a deeper level. By incorporating unique perspectives, businesses can foster long-term relationships with their audience and ensure their brand’s success in an ever-changing market.

First Reported on: adage.com
Featured Image Credit: Photo by Liza Lova; Pexels; Thank you!


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