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Music initiative Sounds Right funds global conservation

"Global Conservation Melody"
“Global Conservation Melody”

Sounds Right is a creative initiative by AKQA and the Museum for the United Nations – UN Live, which aims to finance biodiversity conservation efforts through nature-inspired music. The project spotlights endangered species and amplifies Earth’s intricate ecosystems through immersive audio-visual presentations.

The operation has secured over 1.7 million monthly listeners on Spotify, featuring popular tracks with appearances by renowned artists like David Bowie, Brian Eno, Ellie Goulding, and Aurora. The variety of music genres including pop, rock, alternative, and electronic not only offers a distinctive blend of sounds but also amplifies the initiative’s popularity globally.

Sounds Right plans to channel collected royalties and donations via EarthPercent, a charitable organization in both the UK and the US, to fund the preservation and restoration of threatened ecosystems worldwide. It offers a sustainable model for people and organizations to support environmental protection initiatives and contribute to the fight against global environmental degradation.

The brand identity of Sounds Right crafted by AKQA focuses on environmental conservation discussions. Visual elements highlighting endangered species affected by pollution, habitat loss, global warming, and overfishing are used to propagate a sense of environmental responsibility and spur the adoption of sustainable practices.

The design aesthetic of Sounds Right uses earthy tones and dynamic elements which reflect the richness of coral reefs, demonstrating how nature contributes to music.

Sounds Right: blending music and conservation

The structure of the design is brought together with eco-friendly materials and natural lighting, fostering a harmony between art, music, and nature.

Nicolai Smith, AKQA’s executive director, places significant faith in the potential of Sounds Right to finance global nature conservation efforts through collaborations with artists. Smith views it not only as an innovative funding method but also as a unique platform for artistic expression. The fusion of music and nature is seen as a spark for creative inspiration and advocacy for nature conservation.

Yaya, the author of the original concept, is a known figure in exploring cultural identity within visual media. Her work has consistently challenged established narratives and confronted issues around race and inclusivity in arts, thereby enriching the discourse of Sounds Right in biodiversity and culture.

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