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Inbox Insider: Paul Allen’s Xiant Filer available in wide release

Xiant Filer, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s e-mail inbox organizer, has gone from beta to full launch. The tool, created to help people organize both business and personal e-mail inboxes, is widely available for $19.95. It’s not a bad price to help prioritize the inbox, which these days is getting fuller and fuller.

The platform, which began as Allen’s personal project to help him deal with his own inbox overload, was designed by Allen and Vulcan Technologies. It helps to make Microsoft Office Outlook inboxes more efficient. The tool integrates into Outlook and makes filing recommendations based on how the user already organizes his or her inbox. It learns your filing preferences, and then makes recommendations to make things more organized.

So what does this mean for e-mail marketers? For starters, keep the subject lines clear and to the point. If a consumer is going to mark your e-mail to read for later, it better be compelling enough to want to keep, but clear enough to understand. B-to-b marketers should be especially concerned, as this is mainly a tool for Outlook — a standard e-mail server for businesses.

In addition, e-mail marketers should, as always, keep the message or offer relevant to the consumer, so that the recipient flags it as one to read, not one to delete forever.

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