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Female Entrepreneurs: Great Ideas For a Great Future

Did you know female entrepreneurs employ approximately 9 million people and produce $1.7 trillion annually? They help keep our economy going.
Did you know female entrepreneurs employ approximately 9 million people and produce $1.7 trillion annually? They help keep our economy going.

Did you know female entrepreneurs employ approximately 9 million people and produce $1.7 trillion annually? They help keep our economy going.

Women in business are vital to our planet. Women are half the population, with distinct ideas, skills, and future visions. Female entrepreneurs are a powerful force in business. At the same time, they are improving their own lives and the planet.

While any woman can start a business, here are some of the best and most current business ideas for women.

1. Educational Services: A Great Career for Women.

In the U.S., roughly 77% of teachers are female. There are male-dominated industries, and there are female-dominated industries. Education is dominated by women.

If you enjoy learning and teaching, a career in education may be right for you. These are often flexible enterprises. It’s often possible to work from anywhere, work alone, or hire others.

Among others, these are some possible business ideas in education:

  • Tutoring
  • Teaching English Online
  • Starting an Online Course
  • Teaching Music
  • College Prep Coaching

2. Design Businesses

Women undoubtedly have an advantage in design. Women have an eye for it. It’s a fact that women can identify hues of color that men often cannot.

Small company ideas for women can be sparked by other professional skills. Some ideas for businesses in design include:

  • Interior Design
  • Web Design
  • Graphic Arts
  • Product Marketing

3. Beauty & Skincare Business Ideas

Despite the fact that most beauty consumers are female, just 29% of leading beauty brands’ CEOs and board members are female. Only ten of the top 100 beauty companies have female CEOs.

However, since these things are mostly consumed by women, shouldn’t they be made by female entrepreneurs?

This small business concept for women can start with an Etsy shop or a farmer’s market stall. Make handcrafted soaps, dry shampoo, body butter/scrubs, and other natural beauty items. Consider sensitive and minimalist skincare product concepts as well, as these are rare.

4. Organizing Life and Finances

Women tend to be more organized than men. Women are better at multitasking and staying organized under duress. This qualifies them to lead businesses that require these skills. Some of these businesses might include:

  • Data Entry/Secretarial Help for Businesses
  • Professional Home Organizer
  • Accounting/Bookkeeping
  • Ad Hoc Admininstration
  • Crisis Care

5. Event Planning

Like the previous industries, event planning requires a lot of multitasking and coordination.

Start a wedding planning firm to help brides and grooms organize flowers, caterers, DJs, and photographers. In addition, you could focus on corporate events, grand openings, product launches, and children’s parties.

6. An App Development Business

Coding is a vital skill that can be learned — for free — online. You might like focusing on app development programming languages. Therefore, you could use them for your own projects as a female entrepreneur.

You can make any app you want. However, there are lots of helpful apps built by women, for women.

Consider the everyday challenges you face as a woman and how an app might help. You could make one about personal safety, finding new female friends, data-driven skincare, etc.

7. Pet or Child Care

Do you adore children? Get paid for it!

Women make up over 92 percent of childcare employees. It’s a fact that mothers prefer female caretakers for their children. Starting a home childcare business is a great option for women.

Animal enthusiasts can also turn their pets into customers. Consider beginning a business offering pet sitting, dog walking, or grooming services.

8. Catering/Food Service

Got cooking skills? Want to practice your cake decorating skills more than just once a year? Make food your business!

Remember that any food business is subject to the food safety laws of your state. In addition, you may need to hire a commercial kitchen or have your home kitchen examined before selling.

Furthermore, you might consider catering your food. Additionally, a food truck is another option for a business idea.

9. The Business of  Photography

Returning to the design and color senses, both are required to compose a stunning shot.

Weddings and events are where the money is. However, it’s a tough sector to break into.

Furthermore, photography is an excellent weekend job for female entrepreneurs who work Monday-Friday.

10. Online Store Management

Compared to a brick-and-mortar store, an online store offers more flexibility and lower overhead costs.

You can sell on established eCommerce sites. Check out places like eBay, Etsy, or Amazon. Additionally, you could create your own website with Shopify.

It’s up to you to decide what to sell. You can sell your handmade goods. In addition, you could resell items from garage sales. Further, you could design garments.

11. Opening a Bed & Breakfast

It’s far easier to open a tiny B&B than a full-fledged inn or motel. If you don’t want to offer breakfast, you can host short-term rentals on sites such as Airbnb.

There are times of uncertainty. In that event, a short-term rental business can help cover mortgage and taxes on a home while making a profit.

Make a plan but don’t overextend yourself. Remember that even if no guests stay that month, your property bills must be paid!

12. Blogging/Writing as a Business

Did you get good grades in English? You might be a potential writer. Start a freelance writing business or monetize your own blog on a topic you love.

Start by writing for someone else. You might end up writing about water filters and whether asphalt or concrete is preferable for driveways. However, it will give you experience.  It will get you started on the road toward your ultimate goal.

It’s true that it takes time to establish yourself as a writer in your field. It takes practice and work to start to appear in search results, and generate cash from blogging. However, it’s a good place for someone with a flair for the language and a good head for business.

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