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EarthCam to Webcast New Year's Eve From Times Square

EarthCam, a global network of live Internet cameras and event Webcasting company, will produce its fifth annual New Year's Webcast of the Times Square events and other festivities worldwide.

The event will be accessible at www.earthcam.com/newyears/2000-2001. EarthCam will feature coverage of the New York event from its glass-enclosed Skybox Studios in Times Square. The coverage will include streaming video, audio and chat and will enable viewers to watch the events from seven vantage points in Times Square.

Anyone with a personal PC camera will be able to send their own New Year's Eve celebrations directly into EarthCam's video-chat section of the site.

EarthCam's Webcast of last New Year's Eve received more than 200 million page views and more than 50 million unique visitors, the company claimed.

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