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As database marketing evolves, what skills do prospective employees need to stand out?

Database marketing has changed substantially over the past 20 years. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the industry was primarily driven by statistical modeling and data mining, and advanced statistics was the primary skill.

However, through the late 1990s and into the early 21st Century, marketing databases began playing a bigger role. The combination of technology, analytics and data became critical. Today, it is now about understanding how analytics, technology and data interact and inform the customer lifecycle.

Great database marketers must still have a solid foundation in analytics and a quantitative problem-solving mindset. However, they must also have an understanding of data and technology and its interaction with analytics. They also must be able to apply the analytics, technology and data to drive relevant and high performing marketing strategies.

Many colleges and universities emphasize quantitative and data-driven marketing and offer comprehensive classes and even degrees in this discipline.

Industries producing great database marketers tend to have a direct connection to their customers, employ marketing databases and have a large universe of customers or prospects. Verticals such as financial services, insurance, telecommunications, catalog and retail are producing great database marketers. Other industries that are recognizing the importance of database marketing including pharmaceuticals, healthcare and consumer packaged goods.

At Merkle, we look for database marketers with our seven key attributes: passionate, smart, sense of urgency, curious, achiever, fun and pleasant and committed to our vision and success. We also look for deep expertise in analytics, a comprehensive technology skill set and great marketing knowledge. l

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