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Hyper-flighting: a micro-strategy in 4 steps

Direct marketers can generate cost savings, sales volume and more by using micro-strategies to get more granular with media buys. Geo-targeting, for example, enables marketers to tailor offers to individuals in the specific geographic locations that are most likely to respond. 

New and innovative micro-strategies continue to emerge, however, and “hyper-flighting” helps direct marketers leverage paid search to make offline efforts, like catalog drops, more effective. 

Here are four steps to improve the cost effectiveness of your offline communications using the powerful strategy of paid search hyper-flighting:

1.   Coordinate PPC campaigns with catalog drops or other offline communications. Featured products should be represented in paid search keyword portfolios, including colors, descriptions, product numbers and alternative names, to address the different ways a potential customer might search for these products.

2.   Relax ROI/effective revenue share requirements (ERS). By temporarily relaxing these metrics and budget constraints, direct marketers can capture increased interest and sales from offline promotions. Hyper-flighting reduces time and energy needed to make adjustments, especially for advertisers with large keyword portfolios.

3.   Create hyper-flighting groups. Classify keywords into approximately five groups for keyword portfolios with 50,000 or more keywords. Create groups based on past performance, keyword types, bid prices and search volume, paying particular attention to how you use these keywords when entering or exiting flights.

4.   Prioritize changes by group. Search teams can quickly change the bids of high spend terms to increase or decrease ERS. This strategy helped a leading outdoors cataloger with more than 50,000 keywords generate significant traffic growth, increase sales 15%, boost clicks by 12% and reduce effective revenue share by 11%.

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