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3 Tools To Bolster Your Marketing Strategies

modern marketer

Adaptability. Innovative thinking. Pragmatism. They’re all key traits of a thriving, successful marketer. Yet those characteristics alone won’t produce quality results in today’s fast-paced, digital ecosystem. What modern a marketer needs is a solid marketing toolkit to support them and their strategies.

Without the right tools and resources, even the most knowledgeable professionals are limited. It’s hard to be agile when you’re working with outdated, clunky systems that weigh you down. But which tools are going to be most useful, helpful, and successful to you and your coworkers?

Below are three products to take for a test run as you start to expand your marketing tech stack. Each one is designed to help you optimize your marketing efforts so you can gain and keep a marketplace advantage.

1. DemandJump

Content production and dissemination are two of the most important responsibilities of any marketing department. The only problem is that mastering content creation can be time-consuming and cumbersome, particularly for companies with smaller marketing teams. This is where DemandJump, a content strategy platform that harnesses the power of machine learning, can be a true asset.

Think back to the last time you and your colleagues tried to map out a framework of keyword-rich content. Did you struggle to come up with interrelated topics? DemandJump removes all these barriers by streamlining the most common content development processes.

Take content pillars, for instance. Having a website that contains multiple content pillars can improve backlinks nearly four-fold. And the stronger your backlinks, the stronger your likelihood of page (and site) authority and higher search engine results. The only challenge? Coming up with pillar frameworks can be arduous. DemandJump streamlines the process by generating content pillar options based on actual search behavior data. All you have to do is choose the topic and DemandJump automates the process of creating a content roadmap, briefs, and linking strategy.

Bottom line: With DemandJump, you can spend less time planning your content and more time benefiting from it.

2. SocialPilot

It doesn’t matter if you’re a B2B or B2C marketer. You can be sure your target audiences are on social media, particularly if those audiences include social-savvy Gen Zers. Nevertheless, there’s a bit of an issue: Keeping up with posting, monitoring, and evaluating your branded social accounts can become overwhelming. That’s where having a social media management tool like SocialPilot comes into play.

SocialPilot can deploy your posts, collect and analyze data about them, and even conduct social listening. As a result, you can start building more brand trust between you and your followers through better engagement. Brand trust is important and essential. As SocialPilot’s research shows, a full 35% of consumers consider brand trust when making purchases. Regularly posting and responding on social platforms can help you build that trust.

For maximum benefits, be sure that you link SocialPilot with your other tools such as your CRM. Integrating as many tools as possible ensures you won’t be forced to log into different systems to understand your social media results. One login will suffice and give you a window into what’s happening with your social media endeavors.

Bottom line: SocialPilot’s all-in-one social media software enables you to stand out on social media without relying on manual processes.

3. Blue Winston

It’s impossible not to use Google ads, Facebook ads, and other pay-per-click (PPC) advertising vehicles these days. After all, they’re cost-effective and predictable. Plus, they help your brand get in front of your strongest leads when their intent to buy peaks. There’s just one roadblock: Coming up with text ad copy. It can be a bear, especially if you’re trying to design dozens of ads at one time.

Say you’re involved (or getting involved) in e-commerce and want to speed up your learning curve. Internationally-based Blue Winston is a known commodity among e-commerce marketers looking to speed up the creation of their product content ads. In as little as five minutes, Blue Winston can suggest text ads based on product descriptions. In other words, your team can do other things while this tool does all the work for you.

Turning your ad writing over to Blue Winston makes a lot of sense. Rather than wasting everyone’s time in long brainstorming sessions, you can shift the responsibility to Blue Winston. Then, you can figure out which text ads to test to give you the highest conversions.

Bottom line: Task Blue Winston with all your e-commerce ad content writing so you and your team can focus on higher-level duties.

Gardeners would have a tough time doing their job if they didn’t have tools. The same goes for you as a marketer. If the tools at your fingertips are holding you back, it’s time to move on. Better choices are just waiting for you to discover them. When you do, you should see a noticeable improvement across the landscape of your marketing initiatives.


Featured image provided by Austin Distel; Unsplash; Thanks!

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