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Gen Z’s Surprising Choice: Social Media Beats TV

Gen Z Marketing
Gen Z Marketing

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It has transformed the way we communicate, connect, and consume information. For Generation Z, those born between 1997 and 2012, social media is not just a platform for self-expression but also a powerful tool for product discovery and purchasing decisions. A recent study has revealed that Gen Z favors social media over traditional television when it comes to learning about and buying consumer packaged goods (CPG) products.

The Rise of TikTok

Among the various social media platforms, TikTok has emerged as a frontrunner for Gen Z. According to the study, almost twice as many Gen Z shoppers learned about new products they bought on TikTok compared to Instagram, and more than three times as many compared to Facebook. This staggering difference highlights the significant influence of TikTok on Gen Z’s purchasing behavior.

It is important to note that the study defined TV as ad-supported connected TV or streaming platforms. Despite the rise of cord-cutting and streaming services among Gen Z, the use of ad-supported CTV has not yet reached a level that can rival the sway of social media platforms like TikTok among this generation.

The Surprise Factor

While the power of social media marketing for Gen Z may seem obvious to many, the extent to which it drives new product purchases in the packaged goods industry has surprised industry experts. Andy Taylor, VP of Research at Tinuiti, expressed his astonishment at the findings of the study, stating that they expected social media to be a bigger player with Gen Z compared to older generations.

The study revealed that social media, particularly platforms like TikTok, outpaced television in terms of product discovery for Gen Z. Additionally, Gen Z was found to be more likely to turn to social media for in-store product research and preferred personalized messaging on social media platforms. These findings clearly indicate the significant role social media plays in shaping Gen Z’s purchasing behavior.

Leveraging Social Media Influence

The power of social media for Gen Z does not only lie in buying media on these platforms to reach them. The study also discovered that a staggering 85% of Gen Z respondents have purchased CPG products in the past year based on the recommendations of online influencers, which is significantly higher than other age groups. This finding emphasizes the importance of leveraging the influence of online influencers to effectively target and engage with Gen Z consumers.

Understanding Gen Z’s Preferences

To effectively market to Gen Z, it is crucial for brands to understand their preferences and behavior on social media platforms. The study highlighted several key insights that can help brands tailor their marketing strategies to resonate with Gen Z:

1. Product Discovery

Gen Z relies heavily on social media platforms like TikTok for discovering new products. Brands should consider investing in social media marketing campaigns that are engaging, authentic, and informative to capture the attention of Gen Z consumers.

2. In-Store Research

When shopping in-store, Gen Z is more likely to turn to social media for product research. Brands should ensure that their social media presence provides comprehensive and helpful information about their products to assist Gen Z consumers in making informed decisions.

3. Personalized Messaging

Gen Z prefers personalized messaging on social media platforms. Brands should leverage data-driven insights to deliver personalized content that resonates with Gen Z’s interests, values, and aspirations.

4. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool for reaching Gen Z consumers. Brands should collaborate with relevant online influencers who have a strong following among Gen Z to promote their products and build trust and credibility.

The Future of Marketing to Gen Z

As Gen Z continues to shape the consumer landscape, it is crucial for brands to adapt their marketing strategies to effectively engage with this tech-savvy and socially conscious generation. Social media platforms like TikTok offer unique opportunities for brands to connect with Gen Z and influence their purchasing decisions. By understanding Gen Z’s preferences, brands can leverage the power of social media marketing to drive product discovery, enhance the in-store experience, deliver personalized messaging, and harness the influence of online influencers.

In conclusion, the rise of social media has revolutionized the way Gen Z discovers and purchases consumer packaged goods. With platforms like TikTok leading the way, social media has surpassed traditional television as the preferred medium for Gen Z’s product discovery. By understanding and leveraging the preferences of Gen Z, brands can position themselves as leaders in reaching and engaging with this influential consumer segment. The future of marketing lies in harnessing the power of social media to connect with Gen Z and drive meaningful brand experiences.

See first source: Ad Age


1. How has social media transformed Gen Z’s purchasing behavior?

Social media has become a powerful tool for Gen Z’s product discovery and purchasing decisions. Platforms like TikTok are particularly influential, with almost twice as many Gen Z shoppers learning about new products on TikTok compared to other platforms.

TikTok’s format and content appeal to Gen Z’s preferences for engaging, authentic, and informative content. The platform’s short videos provide a quick and visually appealing way for Gen Z to learn about new products.

3. How does social media compare to traditional television for Gen Z’s product discovery?

Social media, especially platforms like TikTok, has outpaced traditional television as the preferred medium for Gen Z’s product discovery. The influence of social media, driven by personalized content and recommendations, plays a significant role in shaping their purchasing behavior.

4. How does influencer marketing impact Gen Z’s purchasing decisions?

A remarkable 85% of Gen Z respondents have purchased consumer packaged goods based on the recommendations of online influencers. Collaborating with relevant influencers who have a strong Gen Z following can enhance brand credibility and drive purchases.

5. What insights can help brands effectively market to Gen Z?

To effectively market to Gen Z, brands should focus on product discovery through engaging and authentic social media campaigns. They should also provide in-depth product information for in-store research, deliver personalized messaging, and collaborate with influencers to establish trust.

6. How can brands tailor their marketing strategies for Gen Z’s preferences?

Brands should focus on creating engaging and authentic content for product discovery. They should also provide detailed product information for in-store research and leverage data-driven insights to deliver personalized messaging. Collaborating with influencers who resonate with Gen Z is another effective strategy.

7. What is the significance of personalized messaging for Gen Z?

Gen Z prefers personalized messaging on social media platforms. Tailoring content to align with their interests, values, and aspirations enhances engagement and resonates more effectively with this generation.

8. How can brands adapt their strategies to connect with Gen Z?

Brands should adapt their strategies by prioritizing social media platforms like TikTok for product discovery and influencer engagement. Understanding and catering to Gen Z’s preferences will help brands create meaningful connections and experiences.

9. What role does social media play in the future of marketing to Gen Z?

Social media, especially platforms like TikTok, will play a central role in marketing to Gen Z. Brands that effectively leverage social media’s influence and tailor their strategies to Gen Z’s preferences will be well-positioned to connect with and engage this influential consumer segment.

10. How does the rise of social media impact Gen Z’s interaction with consumer packaged goods?

Social media has revolutionized how Gen Z discovers and purchases consumer packaged goods. Platforms like TikTok have surpassed traditional television as the preferred medium for product discovery, creating new opportunities for brands to engage with Gen Z.

Featured Image Credit: dole777; Unsplash – Thank you!

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