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Zumobi launches in-app ad platform

Zumobi, a mobile apps and in-app ads publishing company, has released a platform designed to enable brands to integrate rich ads within a mobile application, confirmed Zumobi co-founder and VP of product design John SanGiovanni.

The Zumobi Brand Integration (ZBi) platform is part of Zumobi’s suite of app and ad publishing technologies. Ads developed through Zumobi’s technology are designed to optimize rich capabilities within mobile apps, rather than directing the user to a microsite.

The release of ZBi marks the first time the company is licensing the product to customers outside of the Zumobi network. The product is free for current Zumobi customers, but must be licensed for those that are not a part of the network, said Marla Schimke, Zumobi’s VP of marketing.

“[Brand advertisers] want a much more elegant style of integration,” SanGiovanni said.
Features of ZBi include social media integration, the ability to leverage a mobile device’s camera or photo album and the ability to dynamically update ads in real-time.

SanGiovanni added that the ZBi platform also has extensive analytics and reporting capabilities.

“We have campaign-level or section-level metrics,” he said. “We provide complete transparency on the backend of the campaign.”

Brands that have used Zumobi’s technologies and network include msnbc.com, TODAY, Popular Science, Pepsi, Best Buy, and Citibank.

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