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Yelp, InMoment Partnership Brings AI Insights To Customer Reviews

InMoment, an AI-driven customer experience intelligence platform, has announced a new partnership with Yelp aiming to help organizations better understand consumer reviews through robust, data-driven insights.

Yelp hosts more than 140 million customer reviews, and has become a resource of record for crowd-sourced opinion, which can be a valuable asset for customers looking to make purchasing decisions, and organizations looking to identify strengths and weaknesses in their CX strategy.

According to CEO Andrew Joiner, InMoment’s technology will analyze Yelp reviews to identify, capture and aggregate emotional experiences customers have with an organization. When coupled with other metrics, like marketing efforts and revenue, organizations can use this information to make more intuitive decisions when improving products or services with CX in mind.  

“Technology now allows them to listen to their customers in lots of different ways, whether they’re in the store, whether they’re online, whether they’ve purchased a product, whether they haven’t purchased product, and really understand that feedback on new levels,” Joiner said. “In many ways, this is a very rich form of feedback to help tap into and help companies provide a better experience for customers.”

For Joiner, understanding how a customer interacts with an organization is only one piece of the puzzle. In order to make more informed decisions when improving CX, companies also need to know what factors caused their customers to react and respond in a certain way, and why.

As businesses have become more digital, this has really become a more important piece of the technology,” Joiner said. “…What is it about these experiences, negative or positive, that companies really need to better understand?”

“We’re really helping organization move off of simple, structured scores to the actual voice of the customer.”

InMoment’s partnership follows Yelp’s recent initiative to crack down on inauthentic or solicited reviews.

“Inauthentic and manufactured reviews are a really big problem,” Joiner said. “What we can do is use our sophisticated technology to help organizations.”

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