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Yellow Pages Group – The Yellow Treehouse by Aim Proximity

Title/Headline: The Yellow Treehouse
Product/Service: The Yellow Pages Group
Target Audience: Consumers & Businesses
Client Company: The Yellow Pages Group

Market Problem:

Market Problem and Audience: In New Zealand, the Yellow Pages was seen as an old fashioned book that was no longer the best place for people to find businesses. Google was dominating. Because of this, Yellow was finding it increasingly difficult to sell listings in their books and getting people to use their books and site. We had to show that Yellow is still the best place in New Zealand to find every business you need.

Creative Solution: Show that you can get any job done using nothing but Yellow.  But building a birdbath wouldn’t make people take notice. We needed a project that would capture people’s imagination and prove that you can complete the toughest job using just Yellow. The job? Build a restaurant. 10 metres up a redwood tree. In just 66 days. And via DRTV, Radio, Print, Billboards, DM, Banners and our website, we got people in New Zealand and around the world following our progress.This was a single minded product demonstration. Every business, service and product needed to build the restaurant was found using Yellow. The businesses who helped were featured and there was a link on the site back to their business. It proved to the public that you can get any job done using Yellow while proving to businesses that it pays to be in Yellow.  And we got to build something really amazing.

Results: Our yellowtreehouse.co.nz site attracted over 221,000 visitors, each spending an average of 5 minutes. Over 2,000 people dined at the restaurant. A further 2,000 missed out.Unprompted recall of Yellow increased by 37%. Sales in Yellow Pages Directories increased 6.7% year-on-year, the highest by 19%. Online usage increased by 11%.Book usage increased by 9. 2%.free media coverage worth over $3.5 million.

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