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Why The New French Market Is a Good Bet

french market

PARIS – The French market is a fabulous market for developing your activities in Europe – 3.9 million businesses and 60 million consumers are waiting for your service and product offerings.

We are very fond of American products, which for us are a sign of high quality. Also, for more than a year French consumers have been on a buying spree and in that time we have created hundreds of thousands of new jobs.

Now you’re probably going to tell me that the French market scares you because we’ve had so many strikes. Don’t worry. We are the fourth largest economy in the world and our country works better than it ever has before. There are a lot of immigrants who settle each year in France and help with the development of this country.

Some French and foreign economic analysts have even compared us to the US in terms of our level of growth, which, we think, will reach 3.5 percent to 4 percent this year. And France is the only country in Europe that creates as many service jobs as does the US.

As for direct marketing, we are here to help you prospect on the French market. We are in a position to advise you about lists best able to reach your target audience.

Despite what you’ve heard about the scarcity of French lists, France has hundreds of business-to-business and consumer lists which will give you the greatest satisfaction.

Publicity and other marketing agencies will help you adapt your catalog to the French market. They will advise you on the most effective texts, the right colors for this market and the format your book should have.

To be sure, Europe is becoming one big market, but you still must adapt your messages to the different ways of thinking prevalent in each country in which you do business. If you don’t pay careful attention to cultural differences you will fail.

Courier companies and La Poste, the French post office, will counsel you on the best way of shipping your catalogs and your mailings.

Today expenditures on direct marketing in France are the second largest in Europe. We are receptive to direct marketing and more and more French people have begun to order goods that way.

There is no better time than now to set up business in France where the economy is flourishing as never before. And remember that some 70 percent of all mail order companies are located in the North of France, Europe’s central axis where all major routes cross.

France has all the infrastructure you need and has put in place the logistics needed for handling your mailing and package delivery. So what are you waiting for?


Featured image provided by Pixabay; Pexels; Thanks!

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