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What Awaits the Mobile Application Industry in 2023-2024

mobile apps

The industry develops at an incredible pace. The number of users worldwide increases yearly, and demand for mobile applications grows. Moreover, many people have become even more comfortable working on their smartphones than computers. Therefore, in this article, we want to share 13 main trends that will influence the development of the mobile application industry in 2023-2024.

Let’s take a look at some figures:

  • people use about 10 mobile applications per day and about 30 per month

  • in 2023, the number of downloads will increase by 20 billion

  • users will spend more than $150 billion on apps in 2023, which is 15% more than in 2022

  • by 2025-2026, the total revenue in the application market will reach more than $600 billion

That’s why the market is constantly waiting for innovation from developers and wants them to release more and more striking products, developing this industry.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machinen Learning are two things that will be more than in demand in 2023. AI is expected to improve iOS and Android app development regarding facial recognition, photo animation, online payment fraud detection, biometrics, processing of users’ voice requests, emotion recognition, navigation improvements, security for authentication and authorization, etc. AI & ML will also be used more heavily to collect user data to gain a better understanding of consumer buying behavior.

AR & VR Mobile Apps

In 2022, it became clear that augmented and virtual reality will not be limited to games. Nowadays, these technologies are used in various social networks (for example, Snapchat, Instagram), interior design, etc. Further, we will see a more active development of such verticals as Travel, Education, Medicine, Entertainment, and Retail. AR & VR will also be widely developed in the Ecom industry because they are great for displaying goods when users can virtually try on clothes or look at the product from different sides before buying, rather than going to an offline store. In addition, it is expected that in 2023-2024 developers will focus on improving AR & VR applications since they are still far from ideal.

Internet of Things

In 2023, there will be a trend toward developing the Internet of Things (IoT), and creating ecosystems and smart homes. This market is expected to reach $1.4 trillion by 2027. In the near future, developers will focus on improving the collection and exchange of data between things entering the network so that they interact with each other without the intervention of the consumer, who will only need to press one button in the application.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is able to make predictions using artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, and so on. Analytical tools built into applications or allowing them to get data about people’s behavior in social networks and other services make it possible to personalize users and understand what they like. With the help of predictive analytics based on previous actions and customer experience, people will be able to receive specific suggestions.

Voice Assistants in Mobile Apps

Virtual assistants and voice search have already changed the world. 4/5 of users use commands, ask questions, search for information using their voice, and more than 90% want this feature to appear in all applications. Thus, the time has come for the mass integration of such tools into mobile apps. Some E-com applications have already started replacing regular texts with voice help. So far, they cannot perfectly fulfill user requests, so in 2023-2024, developers will have to try to make them more ideal.

Camera-Focused Apps

Statistics show that users need even more applications that allow them to make video content and distribute it, communicate with friends and followers, make streams, take part in video conferences for work purposes (especially after a proliferation of remote work). Therefore, companies that develop camera-focused apps and are able to offer more stable connectivity and interesting formats may see a significant increase in revenue next year.

Touchless Apps

Perhaps in the near future, users will not need to touch the screen of their smartphone to do many of the usual actions. These days, we can already answer or hang up calls, turn off the alarm, and switch the phone to silent mode without using the screen. In this regard, touchless solutions are expected to be a stable trend in application development in the coming years.

Motion Design

Steady design does not contribute to the growth of user engagement since the vast majority of your competitors use it. So, motion design will help capture users’ attention, enhance the app’s beauty, and make the UX more interesting. Motion design features in applications improve the interaction between the users and the app, provide engagement, and increase conversions.

Location-Based Apps

Taxi apps, food delivery, or those that advise advertisements and products based on a customer’s location will become increasingly popular. In addition, location-based apps will become much more common in other verticals in the future. Also, in 2023, developers will try to improve API and Google location-based technology.

P2P Payments

P2P payments allow users to quickly and easily send money to each other using banking applications. The P2P Payments market already has a large volume today. However, it is expected to reach $8 trillion by the decade’s end, growing another nearly 20%. In 2023, there will be a steady trend toward developing P2P Payments in such verticals as social networks, messengers, mobile wallets, and cryptocurrency wallets.


Nowadays, people use their smartphones to access personal data, finances, and other sensitive and confidential information. However, apps are still not sufficiently protected from hackers and scammers. Therefore, in the future, developers will pay more attention to ensuring applications’ security and protecting users from various threats.

Instant Apps

Today, most people’s smartphones have a huge number of heavy applications that take up a lot of memory space. This stops many users from downloading new ones or installing updates. The solution to this problem is instant apps, which allow you to download only part of the application and access the rest of the content via a URL. To date, there are not many instant apps in mobile app stores, but the trend can be traced. If marketers want more installs, they should consider converting their large-size application into a fast-loading instant app.


Progressive Web Apps are a cross between a website and a mobile application. They help close the issue of slow web page loading speeds by consuming less Internet or mobile data. This lower dependence on the Internet makes it possible to use mobile apps offline and still have access to content. PWA helps increase coverage with minimal costs, so this trend will be very relevant in 2023.

Final Thoughts

The mobile application industry continues to grow. This development gradually acquires new and exciting directions. And users love it! Keep an eye out for new apps and stay up to date on mobile trends in the next few years.

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