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URL Slugs and How to Implement them in Your SEO Strategy?

URL Slugs and How to Implement them in Your SEO Strategy?

A URL slug is a text that comes after the last backsplash. It is a key part of a URL and likewise is set to distinguish the web address of which it is a part. Semrush has a fantastic example of how this works. To break this down most simply, there are several key points:

  1. A URL Slug does impact SEO.
  2. URL Slugs are just a piece of a URL
  3. URL Slugs affect page ranking

A URL Does Impact SEO

A slug is important if you want to get a full idea of what the page is about. It allows search engine bots to easily be drawn to the site and pull the necessary information. It is for this reason that a simple, self-explanatory SEO-Friendly URL Structure is so key to web performance. At a glance, a bot or a person can look at the last part of the URL and get a decent idea of what the page will hold for them.

Not only does this provide a better experience, but it also allows for keyword optimization. Search engines look at a lot of pages, and the URL slug is the easiest way to give the TL;DR of a page and give the most important keywords. All are included in the web address.

By having these keywords listed, the search engine is far more likely to be comfortable ranking them well on the results page. Many search engines’ goal is to effectively link and propagate high-quality content across the web. Having these keywords in the slug is the most effective way to get that initial signal.

URL Slugs Are Just a Piece of a URL

This is key. As previously stated, a URL slug is just the end “tagline.” That captures the essence of the page. It should be easy to read, grasp, and recognize, being indicative of the page and its content.

Like most optimized text on the internet, it should be short, efficient, and self-explanatory. Form follows function here. The internet has its own grammar.

As an interesting bit of information, each content management system (CMS) has its own way of addressing URL slugs, some being more customizable than others. A CMS is a hosting platform like WordPress, Wix, Shopify, Bigcommerce, etc.

URL Slugs Affect Page Ranking

Makes sense. While I touched on this with SEO there is a deeper way in which this is done. The essence boils down to specificity. Taking a minute to break down search engine results, a general search is usually composed of a point summed up with varying levels of coherency. Let’s say you want to know: “Why does the sky change color when it rains?”

Many words and approaches of thought may be used to pose the same fundamental question:

  • Why does the sky change color?
  • Why is the sky gray?
  • Gray sky?
  • When does the sky change?
  • What happens when rains?
  • Whats rain?
  • When does the sky rain?

You get the idea. Let’s say you have a site that covers this. It is all managed under the title:  “blog.rainman.com” – I don’t know if that is a real site, I made it up but I didn’t check. In this network of content, your blog has these pages.

  • https://blog.rainman.com/when-will-it-rain
  • https://blog.rainman.com/what-is-sky-coloration
  • https://blog.rainman.com/why-does-the-sky-change-color
  • https://blog.rainman.com/how-to-test-changing-wind-currents

Again, you get the idea. Just reading these URL slugs you get an idea of what each page is about and which would fall closest to your inquiry. So do the bots that comb and order these pages. When looking to optimize your site for optimal search engine efficiency, it is the ease at which you can find the necessary information on a given topic.\

In general, avoid numbers in your slug. Keep them short. And use the keywords you want to rank for – as much as possible.

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