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TheFind.com partners with Glam Media Network

Shopping search engine TheFind.com has partnered with vertical content network Glam Media. The venture will enable Glam.com and other sites within the network to have access to TheFind’s shopping search when searching for boutiques, item type or a particular label.

“The value is that shopping is something Glam users are already intrinsically interested in,” said Larisa Hall, TheFind’s VP of marketing. “It’s important for us to reach as many people as possible, and the Glam Network has about 50 million users. So not only is [Glam] targeted, but it’s also very large.”

TheFind crawls the Web to find items by designer, feature or brand and then allows users to sort based on price, store, color and other features. It currently crawls over 500,000 e-commerce sites and over 250 million products.

With this partnership, users searching on Glam.com can select a “Shopping” tab. The results that appear are populated by TheFind.

Hall said because users have the option to browse only sale items, the site offers relevant “holiday appropriate filters to find the right product for the right price.”

“E-commerce research suggests online will be a stronger channel this year than ever before,” she said. “Not only because consumer behavior continues to adopt it and feel comfortable with it, but also in these troubled economic times people are flocking online to find the very best deals.”

TheFind also has partnerships with Elle and Woman’s Day.

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