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The Top 5 Marketing Careers To Have Right Now

Those who work in marketing know just how exciting their field can be. Trends are constantly emerging, the landscape is always changing, and it’s important to stay up-to-date as the status quo continues to shift. With all of these opportunities, it’s only natural that new roles would open up within the industry. (Even within our parent company.)

Many existing roles in the marketing sphere have also experienced a surge. The following careers are only five examples in a growing list of desirable marketing positions.

1. Digital marketer

The attention that digital marketing has received over the past several years is reasonable. Digital technology has affected virtually every industry, from the financial sector to agriculture. With this transformation, companies want to enlist professionals who have experience with online marketing. Digital marketers can help them with social media, pay-per-click ads and similar strategies.

Because of these responsibilities, digital marketing is a wide field, and many positions will have a much more narrow focus. For instance, some digital marketers aim to boost pay-per-click marketing methods, as previously mentioned. Others strive to hone their company’s email marketing campaigns. Content strategy, eCommerce and even blogging fall under this umbrella.

2. Market research analyst

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the number of jobs in market analysis will grow by 23 percent between 2016 and 2026. This rate is much higher than that of other fields. Because of this upward trajectory, aspiring marketers should see a market research analyst job as one of the industry’s most promising positions.

Current trends underscore the need for market analysts. They sift through an enormous amount of market data to uncover new insights. These include vital marketing stats, such as who the target consumer is and which markets they inhabit. From there, a company or brand can hone its strategy to more effectively reach their intended audience. Market analysts are clearly a valuable asset for any business.

3. Public relations specialist

Public relations specialists work in a myriad of different companies and industries, but they all have a similar mission. They communicate with the organization’s leaders and share their message with the media, the public and shareholders. With a non-stop news cycle, a PR specialist’s job is rigorous. They’re constantly dispensing information via press releases, social media and countless other mediums. In a world where a company’s public image becomes more and more important, this role is indispensable.

One of the most appealing aspects of PR is the ease of upward mobility. After entry-level roles introduce an employee to the more administrative tasks the industry has to offer, they’ll move onto a more hands-on position, working on press releases and campaigns to boost a brand’s image. Later on, there are opportunities to advance to a managerial role, where the employee would oversee the entry-level and middle-management PR professionals.

4. SEO specialist

As of 2018, the number of SEO-related jobs had increased 43 percent year over year. That’s because SEO, like public relations, has become a vital asset to companies who want to increase visibility. They use search engine optimization to earn a high rank at the top of Google’s search results, improving the likelihood of interaction from an internet user.

The appealing part of SEO is that it’s easy to learn without assistance. However, aspiring SEO specialists should remember that SEO best practices are constantly changing, so they have to dedicate themselves to their field. Ongoing education is crucial to their success. But the end result, of course, will be a rewarding career with long-term relevance.

5. Content writing

In order to implement a successful SEO strategy, many companies need content writers on staff. They take important keywords and implement them seamlessly into the brand’s website or blog. When someone searches for the topic, they not only click on the brand’s website, but they linger on the page. They’ll find valuable, relevant information while the company receives attention — a win-win for consumers and business owners alike.

Content writers don’t necessarily have to keep their finger on the pulse of SEO trends, but they should definitely understand how to use keywords. They might also want to learn tools such as Google Analytics to see how successful their writing is in drawing organic traffic to the site. Again, these skills are vital in today’s digital world, so content writing will remain a good career choice in the years ahead.

Moving forward

Whether a marketer is searching for a new career or looking to expand their company’s team, these five options are among the best out there. Marketers should decide which of them is ideal for their particular situation and pursue it fully. Regardless of what they choose, they can look toward a fulfilling future in an exciting, ever-evolving industry.

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