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The Monday Stack: Under the Influence

When did influencer marketing get scientific? I think history will show that it happened over the past year (early signs here), and it’s not likely to stop, given the growing importance to brands of authenticity, the customer’s voice, and Instagram. Timely, then, to hear from Traackr at a press dinner last week about their new Influencer Market Benchmark, a standard for measuring the actual impact of influencer content. The aim is to provide an objective, unbiased view of influencer performance across brands in a series of categories (e.g. fashion, beauty, food and beverage). IMB features:

  • A competitor leaderboard to rank brands’ share of voice, understand competitor behavior, and identify rising high-performers
  • Benchmarking within distinct categories
  • Influencer discovery and insights, again across brands
  • Comparative benchmarking for competing social channels
  • Influencer tier breakdown, from celebrities to micro-influencers
  • Comparisons of paid and organic impact

Alongside this, Traackr launched a Brand Vitality Score, calculated as Visibility (reach) plus Impact (engagement), multiplied by Trust (a score for brand association in the content — reduced, for example, if a number of competing brands are also mentioned.


We seem to be at the peak of a news cycle for some of the big players in the space.  Here are a couple of things Adobe wants us to tell you about:

  • Mobile-related enhancements to Adobe Target are afoot, including a time-saving mobile app Visual Experience Composer, a mobile-ready workflow, and the availability of location (GPS)-based personalization
  • And you can test your success with Adobe Experience Cloud using a new tool, based on Forrester research, to measure ROE. That’s Return on Experience. Kick off your own, personalized report right here.
What’s been happening in our world? Simply, the 2019 Marketing Hall of Femme awards. Sunshine poured through the windows at SAP’s Next Gen Innovation Labs, 48 floors above 10th Avenue, lighting up a room packed with high-achieving women marketers, and the next generation following them. This year was a completely sold-out event, and we’ll be providing more reporting (and images) from the event over the next few days. Here’s a taste from our resident cartoonist, Hilary Allison.

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