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Sensational Culinary Journey Sparks Emotions

This Is Your Brain on Food: A Journey Through the Sensory World of Cuisine

Postmates, a renowned delivery service, has delved into the depths of our emotional connection with food in their latest marketing campaign, “This Is Your Brain on Food.” The campaign’s main objective is to evoke fond culinary memories and forge a strong bond between the company and its customer base, using visually stunning imagery and engaging illustrations. Developed by Mother in Los Angeles, the campaign aims to strike a chord with younger audiences who possess a keen interest in art and culture.

A Multifaceted Approach to Art and Food

Leveraging the talent of various illustrators and diverse artistic styles, Mother effectively conveys the myriad of sensations that popular dishes like BBQ and boba tea elicit. The arresting visuals not only grab the viewer’s attention but also pique their curiosity, enticing them to delve deeper into the sensory experiences offered by these iconic dishes. Drawing upon the vast artistic spectrum, the campaign captures the essence of the unique tastes, aromas, and textures associated with each featured dish.

Targeting Young and Creative Minds

The campaign deftly caters to a younger demographic with a penchant for art and cultural experiences. Its advertisements boast intriguing visuals and vivid designs that captivate the imaginative minds of the target audience. In addition, these ads serve to promote events, products, or experiences that resonate with the artistic and cultural inclinations of the younger generation, ensuring their interest and engagement with the campaign.

Exploring the Emotional Landscape of Food

A series of 15-second commercials showcases a fascinating array of animated interpretations of the psychological impact different foods can have on consumers. These short but powerful ads adeptly emphasize the interconnectedness of the food we consume and the sensations that permeate our minds. Through engaging animation and relatable scenarios, the campaign encourages viewers to ponder how their daily dietary choices can significantly affect their overall mood and well-being.

Creating a Multisensory Adventure

To further elevate the campaign’s immersive quality, Mother in LA collaborated with Nexus Design Studio, Peter Raeburn, and Soundtree Music to meticulously craft soundtracks that perfectly complement the campaign’s visual elements. This alliance has enabled the creation of a fully immersive multisensory journey that aptly captures the spirit of each installation, weaving together a harmonious fusion of art, technology, and music.

The thoughtful soundscapes not only augment the overall atmosphere of the campaign, but they also serve to intensify the emotional impact of each visualization. This allows visitors to truly immerse themselves in the meticulously crafted worlds presented within the exhibition space.

A Flavorful Dive into Emotions and Memories

The Postmates campaign “This Is Your Brain on Food” successfully hones in on the strong emotional ties that exist between consumers and the food they love. By marrying unique artistic styles with an extensive range of flavors and textures, the campaign instigates an innate sense of nostalgia and yearning within its target demographic.

This strategic approach showcases the company’s understanding of the crucial role food plays in our daily lives and its uncanny ability to evoke powerful emotions, leading to a deeper connection between Postmates and its customers. Such an immersive and tailored marketing approach sets the campaign apart from others in the industry, leaving a lasting impact on its audience and successfully capturing their hearts through an unforgettable sensory adventure.


What is the main objective of Postmates’ “This Is Your Brain on Food” campaign?

The main objective of the campaign is to evoke fond culinary memories and forge a strong bond between the company and its customer base, using visually stunning imagery and engaging illustrations.

Which demographic is the campaign targeting?

The campaign primarily targets younger audiences who possess a keen interest in art and culture.

How does the campaign explore the emotional connection to food?

Through a series of 15-second commercials, the campaign showcases animated interpretations of the psychological impact different foods have on consumers, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the food we consume and the sensations that permeate our minds.

What is the role of art and illustration in the “This Is Your Brain on Food” campaign?

The campaign leverages the talent of various illustrators and diverse artistic styles to effectively convey the myriad of sensations that popular dishes like BBQ and boba tea elicit.

How does the campaign create a multisensory adventure?

Mother in LA collaborated with Nexus Design Studio, Peter Raeburn, and Soundtree Music to meticulously craft soundtracks that perfectly complement the campaign’s visual elements, creating a fully immersive multisensory journey and a harmonious fusion of art, technology, and music.

Why is the campaign’s marketing approach considered immersive and tailored?

By marrying unique artistic styles with an extensive range of flavors and textures, the campaign instigates an innate sense of nostalgia and yearning within its target demographic, showcasing the crucial role food plays in our daily lives and its ability to evoke powerful emotions, leading to a deeper connection between Postmates and its customers.

First Reported on: marketingdive.com
Featured Image Credit: Photo by Mikhail Nilov; Pexels; Thank you!

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