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Using AI to Engage Omnichannel Customers in Real-Time: Hype vs. Reality

Many retailers struggle to take advantage of opportunities to present customers with highly contextual and relevant experiences at speed and scale. Emerging technologies such as AI are rushing in to fill this gap by providing various approaches to leveraging customer data, analytics, and orchestration. 

This webcast will:

  • Define your expectations for delivering excellent customer experience and assess your organization’s ability to deliver on them;
  • Discuss the types of technology solutions available today to fill your customer engagement gaps; and
  • Identify the action steps needed to ensure that your hyper-personalized customer engagement strategy can be delivered.

The speakers are George CorugedoChief Technology Officer & Co-FounderRedPoint Global Inc, and Brandon PurcellPrincipal AnalystForresterGeorge is responsible for directing the development of the RedPoint Customer Engagement Hub, RedPoint’s leading enterprise customer engagement solution. Brandon serves Customer Insights Professionals at Forrester, covering customer analytics and artificial intelligence. 

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