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ReadyTalk ties webinars closely to marketing platforms

“So much data comes out of a webinar,” said Beth Toeniskoetter, product strategist at ReadyTalk. “There’s a great opportunity to find out more about participants without them feeling you’re peppering them with questions.” These insights become readily actionable when they’re integrated with marketing automation solutions.

Last week, the Denver-based web, audio and video-conferencing platform announced enhance integration with the Marketo marketing automation platform (it also integrates with Hubspot). According to ReadyTalk: “Improvements to the integration include the ability to view mid-event poll responses and answers to post-event survey questions, attributable to specific attendees, as well as log attendance duration and entry/exit times. Additionally, webinar organizers and marketers can pull explanatory qualitative data from individuals’ chat interactions, rather than solely relying on quantitative chat count metrics.”

I spoke with Toeniskoetter to find out more about the opportunities these integrations offer, and ReadyTalk’s other plans for the near future. She has been with the company for five years, and is now responsible for product strategy surrounding the webinar side of the business, which aims to meet day-to-day work needs of clients as well as being there to showcase online events.

There’s nothing new, of course, in webinar platforms capturing basic audience data such as attendance figures, average time of attendance, survey responses, as well as the information gathered through the registration process. ReadyTalk’s proffer is more granular audience profiling, tied to marketing automation solutions to trigger personalized follow-ups.

For example, Toeniskoetter told me, “you’ll want to follow up differently depending on whether a person attended for four minutes or fifty minutes.” Knowing that an audience member was engaged with the content for fifty minutes, responded to specific poll questions, and even perhaps raised relevant topics in chat, creates a basis for lead scoring, and for designing a lead nurture program. Even within the webinar, real-time intelligence can prompt push questions to individual audience members.

There are advantages for audience members too in receiving follow-ups which are personalized, relevant and responsive.

ReadyTalk has had integrations with Marketo for four years, and with HubSpot for about two to three years, as well as with Oracle’s Eloqua and Salesforce’s Pardot. There are plans to release integrations with Act-On, InfusionSoft, and Microsoft Dynamics. “With a lot of marketers using webinars as part of their lead generation programs, it makes no sense for [webinar and marketing automation] solutions to be siloed,” said Toeniskoetter

Qualitative data on individual audience members is driven through Marketo Smart Campaign to generate actionable segments based on actual in-webinar behavior. It also informs the pre-webinar processes with which ReadyTalk is becoming more involved in response to customer demand, especially promoting online events and identifying target audiences for them.

Although, Toeniskoetter said, ReadyTalk prices itself on its professional services, it’s also continuing to develop self-service options in response to marketing demand. Although its webinar services are popular at all levels of the market, ReadyTalk is also developing an enterprise-level offering for webcasts (i.e. broadcast video): here the focus is not just on outward-facing presentations for lead generation purposes, but in-house meetings and “town halls,” an increasingly important feature for companies with dispersed, remote workforces.

The recently announced update of ReadyTalk’s integration with HubSpot has everything from webinar registration, through confirmations and reminders, to in-webinar analytics and post-webinar questions, originating from or passing through HubSpot. This is “the next logical step to seamlessly providing that data to marketers where they’re already working with future customers,” said Toeniskoetter, announcing the re-release.

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