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Rapp global president Price leaves for Creative Realities

Paul Price has resigned as global president of Rapp to become CEO of brand agency Creative Realities as of June 1.

Price will focus on finding new business for Creative Realities, especially in verticals the company has yet to tap into, said Robin Reardon, president of Creative Realities.

“Paul will reach into verticals we’ve touched on but have yet to develop, and expand our overall capabilities and client base,” she said. “We’re firmly established in retail, and we want to move into education, hospitality, health and automotive.”

Creative Realities specializes in on-site digital displays that enhance a brand’s presence for consumers close to the point of purchase or at the point of brand immersion, such as a hotel lobby or hospital waiting room, Reardon explained. Commonly used channels include digital signage, kiosks, mobile applications and SMS campaigns.

The company has approximately 50 employees in four offices in New York, New Jersey, Atlanta and London. Creative Realities’ client roster includes Bank of America, Fidelity, Samsung, Radio Shack and AT&T. The agency is part of the Pegasus Group.

Price worked at Rapp for more than two years before his May 25 departure. He previously worked at Omnicom sister agency DDB, where he was chief partnership officer.

Bob Horvath, Rapp’s global CEO, will continue to lead the Omnicom direct marketing agency.

A Rapp executive could not be reached by press time.

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