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Promote Excellent Online Customer Engagement

Communicate with prospective customers in creative ways to promote deeper engagement. Friendly, relaxed contacts can drive future purchases.
Communicate with prospective customers in creative ways to promote deeper engagement. Friendly, relaxed contacts can drive future purchases.

Communicate with prospective customers in creative ways to promote deeper engagement. Friendly, relaxed contacts can drive future purchases.

It’s all about selling in marketing. This has been the case for decades and continues to be the case now. What’s different is how you go about it. Special deals and offers have traditionally been used by businesses to promote engagement and persuade customers to buy. However, engaging directly with customers is now a vital component of the process.

Customer communication in a non-sales situation was not always possible. Even phone calls and letters had to be tailored to generate revenue. With so many internet avenues now available, it’s feasible to communicate with consumers and prospects without necessarily trying to sell them something — which can actually help drive future purchases.

If you want to increase online consumer interaction, the tactics listed below can help.

1. Encourage interest. Create an email newsletter first.

Whether you’re reaching out to new leads or long-time customers, email is a great way to stay in touch. That’s why, no matter where prospects and customers are in the sales cycle, lifecycle email marketing should be a part of your marketing plan.

Create a template for sending emails at each point of the sales cycle, from introduction to follow-up after the sale. Send on a regular basis, but don’t go overboard. In addition, regardless of why the email was sent, it must be followed by the next crucial step in promoting engagement.

2. Making your emails more personal promotes engagement.

You may not be able to name all of your clients or recall their purchase histories off the top of your head. However, this should never come across in your messages.

Personalized emails and website content attract clients’ attention. They also boost the chances of a response.

Use an automation application to populate messages with names, purchase information, and other personal information. Ensure that your data is up to date. Therefore, the communication is relevant to the recipient.

In addition, it meets their preferences for how they want to be contacted. These personalized messages stick out among generic texts. It makes the recipient feel valued and, as a result, more loyal.

3. React to each new encounter.

The impression that no one is listening is one of the most common complaints in today’s digital world. Too many customers have attempted to resolve a problem or ask a question via email or social media only to be met with…silence.

It’s difficult to feel connected with a firm that doesn’t seem to care when you need help.

Use automation tech to respond to every message and interaction that occurs on your site to avoid this problem. Set up your communication tools such that they can respond in real-time.

When someone joins up for emails, fills out a contact form, places an order, or contacts customer support, they should receive a fast response. That response should include a thank-you for contacting you, as well as a next step and call to action. Don’t just respond to the outreach. In addition, take advantage of it to continue the dialogue.

4. Encourage feedback.

Marketing asks people to take action. That’s why marketing messages usually include a clear and easy-to-follow call to action.

If you’re looking to boost consumer involvement, the same idea applies. In the previous phase, you learned how to reply to interactions. Convert those responses into feedback requests.

After a purchase, provide a recap of the order. In addition, invite the recipient to send any comments or concerns about the product’s shipping or the product itself. On product pages, include rating and review tools. People will take advantage of the chance to communicate with and about your company if you give it to them.

5. Distribute surveys to promote input.

Listening has always been an important aspect of marketing. This is why so many companies use surveys to learn what their consumers and prospects want. This includes everything from phone and mail surveys to focus groups in traditional marketing.

Nowadays, it’s as simple as posting a survey on your website, sharing it on social media, or sending it by email. Do you want to put a new product or service concept to the test? How do you compare your company’s consumer sentiment to that of your competitors? Create surveys to find out what customers desire.

Make it simple for responders to fill out and submit their responses. Give incentives such as discount coupons or a chance to win a prize in a raffle to promote participation.

6. Promote engagement on social media.

Finally, consumers do not want to be constantly sold to.

In fact, they’re more inclined to buy from businesses that provide them with the information they want rather than the information that businesses want them to have. With the help of social media, reach out to customers without focusing on products or previous transactions.

Of course, social media is an effective tool for boosting online consumer interaction. However, to keep your feed fresh — and your followers interested in your business — post new content at least a few times a day.

Finally, engagement isn’t supposed to result in new sales, at least not right away. It keeps your company connected to the marketplace. It builds trust and confidence among potential customers. In addition, it increases the visibility of your products and services.  All of this leads to greater sales…over time.

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