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One on One: No Alternatives to Social, says Yuval Ben-Itzhak

Social is unquestionably a key channel for brands, for marketing, sales, and customer service. But unlike some traditional channels, the conversation is two-way. That means that whenever a brand enters the social arena, its reputation is on the line. Add to that the political fall-out from Cambridge Analytica, and heightened concerns about data privacy, and there seems to be a dark side to the social experience.

In this live conversation from Engage 2018, Yuval Ben-Itzhak, CEO of Socialbakers, the social media management and metrics platform, says that — as of right now, anyway — brands have nowhere to go other than social. “Maybe [an alternative] will come one day, but right now we don’t see anything close.” The challenges have to be faced and met, and doing so at scale requires AI-powered content discovery.   

Socialbakers covered DMN’s expenses to attend Engage

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