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New York Times Sues OpenAI, Microsoft for Copyright Infringement

Times Sues OpenAI
Times Sues OpenAI


On December 27, 2023, a legal action was initiated by The New York Times against technology powerhouses OpenAI and Microsoft. The newspaper accused these firms of employing copyrighted content in training their AI systems without proper authorization or payment. This lawsuit represents growing discontent among content creators with the unlawful use of their work by technology corporations. As AI continues to advance, the question of intellectual property rights and fair use becomes increasingly paramount in the eyes of many creators. This case could potentially set a significant precedent for future legal battles concerning copyright infringement and the ethical use of data in AI development.


Both OpenAI and Microsoft have allegedly used millions of Times articles for the creation of technology that now stands in direct competition with the newspaper’s offerings. Even though efforts to negotiate a settlement were pursued, no satisfactory resolution materialized. Neither OpenAI nor Microsoft provided any remarks regarding this dispute. The claims suggest that the use of Times content in developing AI models might have given these companies an unfair advantage in the market. Publishers and content creators may increasingly scrutinize the use of their intellectual property in AI development, which could lead to disputes or stricter guidelines for accessing and using such data in the future.

Language learning models

Language learning models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, are built upon copious amounts of web-based text to ascertain connections among terms and ideas, as well as anticipating subsequent content in sentences. Consequently, AI systems can simulate human verbal and written communication. In recent years, the increasing sophistication of LLMs has resulted in more accurate and nuanced language understanding, allowing AI to engage in complex conversations and generate coherent text. This advancement in AI technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries like customer support, education, and content creation, while also fostering cross-cultural communication.

Data origins

Although OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google have not revealed specific data origins, prior LLMs have incorporated materials from news organizations and book collections. It is believed that these sources provide a diverse range of perspectives, vocabulary, and subject matter to help train the language models effectively. By utilizing such varied content, the LLMs can achieve a greater understanding of context and nuances, thereby improving their performance in generating human-like responses.

Fair use debate

Tech entities argue that their AI systems’ employment of information acquired from the internet falls under “fair use” according to copyright legislation, since they significantly alter the original material. Nonetheless, the legal action contends that OpenAI’s GPT-4 model reproduces New York Times articles word-for-word, potentially reinforcing the copyright infringement allegations. Moreover, the plaintiffs in the case believe that OpenAI’s AI-generated content impairs the value of original copyrighted works, making it more difficult for the creators to maintain their intellectual property rights. In response to these concerns, OpenAI could face an uphill legal battle to prove that its models’ use of online content is transformative enough to warrant protection under fair use provisions.

Impact on the news industry

In light of advancing technology, the news sector faces the challenge of incorporating automation into news production. While AI-generated content may be a controversial subject, such tools also pose a threat to the traditional revenue models of the news industry, which has seen a decline in the size of newsrooms in recent years. As a result, news organizations must find the right balance between utilizing technological advancements and preserving the integrity of journalism. This includes critically assessing the role of AI in news production and ensuring that quality, in-depth reporting continues to be prioritized and supported financially.

Rising demands from creative professionals

The Times’ legal case is indicative of a larger pattern, as creative professionals like writers and musicians are increasingly demanding recognition and financial compensation from tech companies that utilize their work to develop solutions that could be detrimental to the original creators. As the tech industry continues to evolve and create new innovations, the crossroads between intellectual property rights and digital integration is becoming more prevalent. It is crucial for a balanced collaboration between artists and tech companies, ensuring that artists are fairly compensated for their work while allowing technological advancements to progress in a fair and legal manner.

Protective measures by news organizations

Moreover, 583 news organizations have now applied copyright notices to their websites, although earlier content remains exposed to AI exploitation. This step taken by news organizations is becoming increasingly crucial as artificial intelligence technology continues to advance at a rapid pace. In order to protect their intellectual property and maintain the integrity of their content, these organizations must remain vigilant in updating their policies and implementing effective measures against AI exploitation.
First Reported on: washingtonpost.com


The New York Times accused OpenAI and Microsoft of using copyrighted content to train their AI systems without proper authorization or payment. The lawsuit addresses the issue of intellectual property rights and fair use by technology corporations in AI development.

What technology is at the center of the dispute?

Language learning models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, are at the center of the dispute. These AI models learn from vast amounts of web-based text to simulate human-like conversation and generate coherent text, leading to advancements in various industries such as customer support, education, and content creation.

Tech companies argue that the use of online content falls under “fair use” since their AI systems significantly alter the original material. However, the New York Times’ legal action claims that OpenAI’s GPT-4 model reproduces their articles word-for-word, potentially reinforcing copyright infringement allegations.

What is the impact of AI-generated content on the news industry?

AI-generated content challenges the traditional revenue models of the news industry and has resulted in the decline of newsroom sizes. News organizations must find a balance between utilizing technological advancements and preserving journalism integrity, which involves critically assessing AI’s role in news production and ensuring quality reporting is prioritized and supported financially.

How are creative professionals reacting to the use of their work by tech companies?

Writers, musicians, and other creative professionals are increasingly demanding recognition and financial compensation from tech companies that utilize their work to develop potentially detrimental solutions. A balanced collaboration between artists and tech companies is crucial, ensuring fair compensation while allowing technological advancements to progress legally and ethically.

What protective measures are news organizations taking against AI exploitation?

News organizations are applying copyright notices to their websites to protect their content from AI exploitation. It is becoming increasingly important for these organizations to remain vigilant, update their policies, and implement effective measures against potential AI misuse as the technology advances.

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