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Tech Innovations: Pandemic-Driven Changes Here to Stay

There are at least 14 new pandemic-driven tech innovations that are impacting the world. However, these changes are here to stay.
There are at least 14 new pandemic-driven tech innovations that are impacting the world. However, these changes are here to stay.

There are at least 14 new pandemic-driven tech innovations that are impacting the world. However, these changes are here to stay.

Many businesses would have had to shut down during the height of the outbreak if it hadn’t been for cutting-edge tech innovations and digital solutions. Although every tech team’s efforts to facilitate eCommerce, remote work, and networking have been valuable, the pandemic has been bringing out a number of clear tech winners.

Among them, video conferencing, for example, is now a big part of both the consumer and corporate sectors. Therefore, which of the pandemic’s technologies will have a long-term impact on how we live and work?

1. Computing in the Cloud

Cloud computing was already in wide use. However, the pandemic is making its adoption permanent.

Cloud computing has been critical to the transformation of consumer experiences and business models necessary for them to respond to the pandemic. It is possibly the most important technical foundation for flexibility, agility, and digital mobility.

2. Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing/Innovations for Healthcare

Computer-assisted telephone questioning has proven to be extremely useful to health researchers.

CATI has the advantage of being able to use any sort of phone. In addition, it does not require participants to be literate. Therefore, it promotes inclusion and equity by allowing researchers to collect data from a wide range of people.

3. Innovations in Automating Financial Processes

Finance departments will need to automate financial exchanges as much as possible, no matter where they are working.

Companies are transitioning to new work structures. In addition, more funding goes into tools to support remote workforces. This will allow them to focus on more strategic initiatives to drive their businesses forward.

4. Embedded Financial Technology

Embedded financial technology has proven successful and will continue to expand in the post-pandemic environment.

Nonbank financial institutions provide services such as payments, digital wallets, and lending. Embedded financial services are under development by companies across a range of industries. These include retail, automotive manufacture, telecommunications, insurance, hospitality, transportation, logistics, food, and technology.

5. Nonfungible Tokens/Innovations for the Arts

The pandemic left a pressing need for musicians, whether independent or part of a label, to develop new ways to disseminate their work.

They were in need of a way to build value for live events, future content, and other endeavors. As Generation-Z consumers get more familiar with commerce, the early use of nonfungible tokens in entertainment and the arts is astounding. This is a brand-new asset class that will be around for a long time.

6. Intelligent Security Technology Innovations

As a result of the pandemic’s security dangers, the cybersecurity industry is stepping up and demonstrating its creativity.

Intelligent security technology that can reduce insider breaches, in particular, is helping enterprises to keep their data safe. In addition, businesses will need to be vigilant when it comes to insider risk as to the future of long-term hybrid working approaches.

7. Cybersecurity Service Providers

Cybersecurity vendors are among the big winners. Employees who are irresponsible with passwords on laptops account for a large number of hacks.

However, now, due to the pandemic, those same computers are going home. This began increasing the cyber risk for businesses.

Companies have made finding cyber technologies to secure their assets a major goal. This holds true for networks and mobile devices as well.

8. Virtual Reality Innovations

Virtual reality saw an increase in attention and activity as more teams and individuals went remote. In addition, many inventive new VR applications and software releases are on the market.

They are helping to make individuals feel more productive, connected, and, in many cases, entertained. VR can bring people closer together in a safe way. This is true whether it’s for education, video conferencing, gaming, or work.

9. Artificial Intelligence Innovations

We’re in the midst of an AI renaissance. This change has only been increasing as a result of the pandemic.

Companies are taking advantage of this opportunity to use AI to reinvent themselves in order to succeed in the long run. Therefore, we will see AI transition from a tech facilitator to a tech driver as we emerge from the epidemic.

This will make AI a critical aspect of the broader company strategy to help deliver long-term value.

10. Telehealth Solutions/Healthcare Tech Innovations

Access to health services had its severe limitations at the start of the pandemic.

Afterward, in order to improve their operations, healthcare providers began using video-conferencing tools to deliver virtual services. Furthermore, they began delivering practice-management software.

The market for these solutions is still being snatched up by tech companies.

11. Apps for Mental Fitness

Calm and other mental fitness applications have seen benefits from the pandemic. People are paying greater attention to their mental health now that we’ve all had to spend so much time alone.

Therefore it’s an idea that will have a long-term influence. People are likely to maintain their mental fitness practice even after the pandemic is over.

12. Innovations in Streaming Services

Streaming services are unquestionably the winners here. In 2020, HBO Max, Paramount+, and Peacock all premiered. They’re joining Disney+, Apple, Netflix, and other streaming services.

Companies now can count on reliable subscription revenue from streaming services because they don’t have to wait to see if their film is a blockbuster. In addition, instead of going to the theaters, those funds are going straight to the source.

The model is undoubtedly popular with customers. Therefore, expect to see streamers in bundles.

13. Wireless Internet Access at Home

In order to cope with the increasing bandwidth requirement for homeschooling and working from home, many of us were raising our home broadband capabilities and speeds.

How many of us will revert to earlier bundles in order to avoid the higher costs? Probably very few, as we all appreciate the higher working speeds.

14. Apps for Personal Assistance

Strangers have become part of a team that helps many households. This is largely thanks to apps for personal service providers like Doordash, Instacart, and others.

Almost any home item is deliverable to your door on demand.

These tech innovations were helping us cope during the pandemic.  However, now they are driving the future of business and every other aspect of our lives.

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