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Mobile provides a depth of data about customers who have opted in

Savvy marketers are taking advantage of new mobile advertising platforms that combine opt-in programs with advanced mobile technologies to deliver unprecedented consumer intelligence and more precise campaign measurement. Mobile customers are opting in for ads on their phones and to access rewards, special offers and discounts. In doing so, they pre-qualify themselves with a wide array of demographic and psychographic variables. To provide advertisers with additional benefits, the advanced platforms can further define the subscribers’ profiles by using methods such as polling or tracking responses by content categories.

New mobile advertising solutions target these opt-in subscribers with full-screen, rich media ads that are delivered after every call. Every ad contains a strong call to action, creating immediate brand interaction and engagement between the advertisers and consumers that can be fully measured.

Both SMS and Internet banner ads are quantifiable; however, their metrics are limited to their delivery vehicle. For example, with SMS, the number of messages delivered and click-throughs can be quantified. However, the latest mobile platforms can track metrics such as length of time that the consumer viewed the ad, number of visitors to the Web, phone calls generated, forwards to friends, coupons clipped, and brand recognition through a “rate this ad” feature.

In addition, much like Internet ad-serving platforms, new mobile platforms enable advertisers to build more effective mobile campaigns by setting frequency caps and controlling the number of times ads are delivered during a specific period. Based on response rates, more sophisticated platforms optimize the delivery of these ads, displaying ads with greater response rates more frequently. In turn, click-through rates increase, advertisers generate greater engagement and consumers receive more relevant ads.

These new mobile advertising platforms — by combining opt-in targeting with sophisticated delivery and measurement tools — are akin to mobile direct response channels. Advertisers can gain tremendous consumer intelligence regarding consumer behavior and buying patterns in the mobile world.

This article originally ran as part of the January 18, 2010 Technique, “Make mobile measurement work for you.” To read the entire feature, click here.

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