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MediaCom London launches third-party-served mobile campaign

MediaCom London, using Eyeblaster’s Ad Campaign Manager (ACM) and Channel Connect for Mobile, has launched a third-party-served mobile campaign promoting mobile operator T-Mobile across the Nokia Media Network.

Eyeblaster’s new solution Channel Connect for Mobile allows MediaCom to serve ads to many different mobile publishers and accept third-party delivery information, cross-channel updates and real-time optimization. 

“Third-party-serving tools are designed to create a single place where clients can see the analytics and the delivery and conduct their planning and trafficking,” said Amit Rahav, VP of marketing at Eyeblaster. “Channel Connect for Mobile allows users to manage mobile campaigns in the same way that online campaigns are already being managed.”

Third-party ad serving helped Web advertising become more significant, and mobile advertisers are hoping for similar success.

“The lack of integrated analytics and ad serving for agencies has been a looming concern for scaling mobile advertising,” said Stefan Bardega, director of digital at MediaCom in a statement. “Third-party ad serving was really what drove the growth of Web advertising, and the emergence of Eyeblaster ACM and Channel Connect for Mobile represents a similar milestone in mobile advertising.”

Channel Connect for Mobile is currently in beta testing and will be for another three months.
“We expect to see mobile become a manageable and accountable channel brought to the mainstream,” said Rahav.

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