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Marketing Makeover: How to Make Magical Conversions

When giving your online business a marketing makeover, lean into these six tips to help you magically increase your conversion rates.
When giving your online business a marketing makeover, lean into these six tips to help you magically increase your conversion rates.

When giving your online business a marketing makeover, lean into these six tips to help you magically increase your conversion rates.

Are you feeling a bit lax about your online business presence? Do you ever feel like you’re putting in a lot of effort but you’re not getting the outcomes you want? It might be time for a marketing makeover.

A marketing makeover entails taking actions or making adjustments to the way you conduct things in order to give your company a new lease on life.

The goal is to boost consumer engagement, conversions, and revenues. You can conduct your own makeover or get a professional to do it for you. The goal is to identify what isn’t working and make changes to improve the company’s performance.

Here are six strategies to spruce up your internet business.

Makeover Tip #1. Think about a new logo design.

Your website’s logo has the power to create or ruin your company’s success.

People will not visit your website if your logo is weak. It may also turn off potential customers, reducing their likelihood of purchasing from you.

Simplicity, attractiveness, and timelessness, are some of the qualities you should strive for in a successful logo. You should also make certain that the logo is appropriate for your company.

A law practice, for example, would not want to have a cartoon character for a logo. Therefore, make sure your logo engages your target audience. Here are some things to consider:

  • your brand’s identity;
  • what the competition is up to; and
  • appropriate typography and color palette.

Makeover Tip #2. Make your homepage more engaging.

One of the most important pages on your website is the homepage. It’s the first page visitors view when they come to your website.

Furthermore, it’s the one they’re most likely to interact with. As a result, you must ensure that your site is both interesting and effective. You want to make sure it sends a clear message and that people can easily discover what they’re looking for.

If you own an online store, make sure your home page has links to all of the major categories. People will be more likely to buy from you if you make it easier for them to find what they’re looking for.

Aside from that, the homepage is a great location to put an About Us section and a contact page.

Makeover Tip #3. Make use of high-resolution images.

Images that are poorly made or of low resolution might make your site appear amateurish and cheap.

Therefore, when selecting photographs, make sure they match the tone of your company and its marketing strategy. If you use photographs that aren’t your own, your site could be taken down. Additionally, the copyright owner could sue for copyright infringement.

Therefore, when selecting photos, consider the following questions:

  • Who is your audience?
  • What message does the business wish to send out?
  • What is the website’s tone?

Makeover Tip #4. Select a more appropriate theme.

Make sure the site theme is easy to use and has a lot of functionality.

It’s also critical to select a mobile-friendly theme. That means it will appear great on all types of devices. This should include smartphones, computers, and tablets.

Themes can be found online or you can engage a designer to build one for you.

Makeover Tip #5. Improve your content.

Writing better content is one of the most effective strategies to give your company a marketing makeover.

You should also make certain that the information is relevant to your target audience. You don’t want to write content for folks in the United Kingdom if you’re targeting people in the United States.

Hire a copywriter if you don’t know how to write superior content. However, when it comes to writing your content, consider the following questions:

  • Who do I want to reach out to?
  • What exactly are they searching for?
  • What can I do to make it easier for them to find what they’re looking for on my website?

Makeover Tip #6. Create a brand message that is consistent across all platforms.

If you want your firm to succeed, make sure your brand messaging is consistent across all platforms.

That means your website’s marketing identity should be consistent with your social media profiles and any other platforms you are using. The easiest method to ensure that this happens is to produce a branding style guide.

All of the colors, typefaces and other components you want in your branding are in a style guide. Further, it will also incorporate your branding’s tone and the message you want to convey. Hire a designer if you don’t know how to establish a style guide.

Increase Your Profits with a Marketing Makeover

You’ll be well on your way to building a more successful and profitable business if you follow these steps. As a result, clients will choose to purchase from a company that appears to be competent and easy to use. Using a good platform to maintain continuous website visits, high levels of engagement, and conversions will also make operating your business easier.

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