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Manage marketing data and triggered emails

Email marketing, considered the first line of customer engagement, leads the charge to increase Web traffic and drive sales. However, setting up an email service independently relies on a large time and capital investment. Email marketing platforms simplify and automate this work, ensuring effective and intelligent customer relations.

Today’s email marketing technology is turning campaigns into more than just blasts about sales. A modern email marketing program not only interacts with customers; it gets to know them. Data segmentation, triggered emails and tracking software allow companies to reach their target audience with highly tailored messaging, while precisely measuring the effectiveness of each campaign.

Triggered emails are the result of good customer segmentation and personalization. Integrating them with your e-commerce platform can lead to a more powerful customer engagement tool.

For example, when a customer buys a certain product, you can react with an email about accessories or related items. Email marketing platforms can automatically manage that process. You can also trigger emails to help reduce cart abandonment.

Intelligent email marketing campaigns can generate a wealth of useful knowledge about your customer base. Specialized software can organize that information into useful, actionable data. Did the customer open your message? Did he click on a specific product? Did he add that product to the cart but not purchase?

A system that effectively manages such data is essential for creating more targeted email campaigns in the future.

Annoying customers with excessive emails is often a concern, but we have found this is rarely the case. In our experience, the biggest mistake companies make with regards to email marketing is the hesitancy to send emails for fear of annoying the customer. These customers may be on your list because they specifically signed up.

Offering customizable subscriptions allow your customers to determine which emails they want to receive. Close attention to the latest spam definitions ensures your emails don’t languish in the spam folder.

Companies now rely on email marketing campaigns to learn who their customers are and react to their choices and preferences, affording them the personal service they expect in a regular brick-and-mortar store. By automating the process, you can concentrate on other aspects of running your business.

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