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MagMall Enters Personalization Deal

MagMall.com, a Web-based magazine subscription service, recently announced a partnership with Strategic Data Corp., Santa Monica, CA, that will provide the online circulation firm with personalization and analytical tools.

MagMall, Los Angeles, will use Strategic Data Corp.'s technology to add personal product information to its services. The online subscription firm offers more than 1,000 consumer titles and newspapers divided into 56 categories such as news, sports and fashion.

Strategic Data Corp.'s PerfectClerk program will help identify preferred reading material for MagMall customers by combining their demographic information with an analysis of their behavior on the MagMall Web site. Based on that data, MagMall will recommend magazine titles to its customers.

“We anticipate that this personal touch will help us to convert new visitors into shoppers, keep existing customers coming back and ultimately increase our site revenues,” said MagMall CEO Jason Ciment.

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