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Lorton Data acquires Aldata

In a strategic move intended to enhance its ability to work on direct marketing campaigns from the initial stages through to performance analytics, data management services firm Lorton Data has acquired Aldata, a list acquisition company.

Aldata, in business since 1985, specializes in all aspects of database and list services, including access to more than 65,000 lists in more than 220 consumer and business classifications, as well as list segmentation for testing and profiling. Lorton Data helps direct marketers enhance, manipulate and analyze data to make their campaigns more efficient and cost effective, and to gain insight into the success of their campaigns. The two companies have worked together on customer projects for more than 20 years.

“This acquisition is part of our growth strategy,” said Ray Davey, president at Lorton Data, in a statement. “The transaction provides an immediate revenue increase of over 30% and extends our reach in the marketplace. This is the first step in a series of exciting plans we have to grow our customer base and service offerings in the coming months.”

Aldata will remain intact as a list services division of Lorton Data. Michael Harris, Aldata’s CEO, will direct the newly formed division.

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