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Kit Kat edible postcard a Grand Prix winner at Cannes Ad Festival

Nestle’s Kit Kat took home the Media Grand Prix, the top media award, at the 56th Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, for its edible direct mail product.

JWT Tokyo developed the “Kit Kat Mail” campaign, which featured a small, mailable three-dimensional box with a Kit Kat bar enclosed. It is sold exclusively at 20,000 post office outlets in Japan. It also marks the first time Japan Post postal service has partnered with a marketer.

Separately, the Cannes Lions Direct Grand Prix, was awarded to Brisbane, Australia-based Cumminsnitro for its “Best Job in the World” campaign for Tourism Queensland. The campaign was deemed best integrated campaign led by direct marketing. The Direct Lion honors also included 11 gold awards, 12 silver, and 26 bronze awards.

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