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Jebbit allows brands to customize and measure post-click engagement


Jebbit is a digital marketing platform that allows clients to customize, measure, and optimize post-click engagement, for example, the interaction between a consumer and a brand after the consumer clicks through a link or an ad.

The technology integrates with all digital channels, including social media, search, native, mobile, display, video, and email. 

With no codes or technical setup, new and existing digital campaigns can be optimized to drive visitors toward a specific action through a dynamic question and answer experience overlaying the landing page or content. Viewers can be offered incentives (promo codes, free downloads, sweepstake entry, and more) to complete campaigns.

Jebbit can also personalize the content and messaging visitors see based on their interactions, and data can be used to profile and re-target them.

Premium packages range from $2,500 to $10,000 per month.

Rebecca Corwin, associate marketing director, digital, at Kaz North America, has been using Jebbit since October 2014.

How do you use it?
After you log on and click the create a campaign button, the platform takes you through a series of prompts to define and set up your campaign. You enter the title and a description, and you can designate any internal team members you want to have access to information about the campaign. 

When setting up a new campaign, you can start from scratch or you can copy an existing campaign and edit whatever you need.

You can customize the design, including logos and pantone colors, so all the elements match your brand and give viewers a seamless experience.

Then you click the add a question button, select open ended or multiple choice, and designate where you want the quiz to appear on your website. 

You also need to add your quiz reward, which is entered the same way. If a reward requires additional information to unlock it, such as an email or phone number, you add those, too. Then you simply hit launch and you’re good to go.

When someone clicks on the quiz link in an email, ad, or social feed, they’re routed to our website. It’s a unique URL referral domain so it’s very easily tracked.

Jebbit serves the questions right below the browser bar on whatever page you designate when you set up your campaign. It’s a branded experience so users have no knowledge that it’s not through our website.

If I have a problem, I email the Jebbit team directly.

Recently we were trying to pull winners from a quiz contest and the platform wasn’t pulling every field we needed from an entry form. Jebbit got back to me with a solution within a couple of hours. The technical team works seven days a week, which is great. 

How does it serve your business needs?
We’re currently using Jebbit for lead nurturing and lead generation for our PUR water filter brand. We send quizzes to people in our email database and we use quizzes on social media channels and in paid digital ads.

The quizzes have helped us increase brand and product awareness, but they also serve as an educational vehicle.

We find that asking quiz-related questions about the brand helps educate consumers and puts PUR top of mind when they’re shopping.  

We also use the quizzes to remind existing customers why they chose PUR and continue to engage with the brand.

Recently, we rebranded and introduced a whole new product line. In the holiday spirit, we created a Jebbit quiz that offered a chance to win one of our new pitcher products. We included this quiz as a fun element in our regular, weekly email.

All key marketing messages about the new products were integrated into that quiz, and we got some of the highest engagement rates of any email in the last six months. The click-through rate was more than 3% and 600 people entered to win. Our typical click-through rate is usually in the1% range so it really did resonate well.

Quiz participants don’t have to get all of the answers right in order to be entered to win, but it appears to them that they need to get the answers right when they’re going through the experience. Jebbit told us that if they didn’t do it this way people might not actually read the questions and answers. If a participant provides an answer to all four questions, they’re entered to win.

We recently launched our first dedicated paid search campaign using Jebbit. We’re looking into finding new finding new ways to use it in 2015, including potentially using it to help with social media influencer work. 

How does it integrate with your existing infrastructure from an IT standpoint?
It’s an I-Frame that sits on top of our website. It’s 100% Web-based with zero IT need.

What are the main benefits?
The ability to leverage the quiz trend to better educate consumers.

Quizzes have high engagement and social sharing rates. Giving consumers quizzes allows them to interact with our PUR brand in a way they prefer.

It also gives us a way to reach consumers who aren’t necessarily going to websites anymore.

Moreoever, it allows us to integrate the social sharing quiz element both within our traditional and social media campaigns. We’re getting more names in our database so we’re able to better target.

What are the main drawbacks?
Jebbit is a very young company and they’re not as developed as I would like in terms of providing strategic input.

What would you like to see improved/added?
I’d like the platform to be able to vary the questions it serves a user based on the answers they give. I’ve asked for this, and I’m hoping to see it soon.

: Provides a mobile loyalty and advertising platform that tracks consumer mobile usage, store visits, and purchase behaviors.

This article originally appeared on PRWeek

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