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Hyper-localized Landing Pages Helped this Retailer Expand by 77 Percent

In what began as your typical millennial eCommerce startup – think Warby Parker, Away, Brooklinen – Indochino, like the latter, witnessed quick and high growth in a short period of time, pushing them to expand beyond eCommerce to brick-and-mortar. As the world’s largest exclusive made to measure apparel company, Indochino had to find a way to convert the online traffic they were getting into foot traffic and turned an eye to Unbounce, a Canadian software company that allows marketers to quickly create, launch, and test high-converting landing pages, pop-ups, and sticky bars without web developers.

“As a high growth company, we often seek out innovative partners to help us drive the business forward efficiently and effectively,” said Lisa Craveiro, Director of Acquisition at Indochino. “Through Unbounce, we’re able to target specific audiences with localized messaging so that they arrive at our website fully informed. This greatly increases the likelihood of booking an appointment and converting a lead into a sale.”

Since targeting consumers with Unbounce, Indochino has opened 19 showrooms nationwide, with plans to open 18 more.

Identifying the Problem

One of the key problems facing Indochino was the fact that men, on average, don’t own a flexible measuring tape – creating a way for men to get their suit size professionally measured propelled Indochino to test out pop-up shops in major US markets. From there, Indochino made it their goal to convert online looks into physical visits.

“The goal was to create the most efficient path to get someone from online to our showrooms,” said Craveiro.

Looking at the Metrics

According to a case study on Indochino published by Unbounce, Craveiro and the team rolled out two key tactics:

  • First, they experimented with mock editorial pieces created in Unbounce to better convert Facebook ad traffic.
  • And second, the team built several location-specific landing pages for marketing different showrooms and educating prospects on their unique customer experience.

Over just nine months, Craveiro’s team secured 800+ showroom bookings via their new Unbounce landing pages, 40 online transactions of purchased suits, and 750 newsletter signups.

“Unbounce landing pages, pop-ups, and sticky bars give next-generation retailers like Indochino the ability to not only test new markets but quickly and easily build awareness and foot traffic of new retail locations using a hyper-localized approach,” said Rick Perreault, CEO and co-founder of Unbounce.

With hyper localized landing pages, Indochino has experienced a three year compound annual growth rate of 50 percent. Indochino is growing 50% year over year, and 50% of that is coming from retail – a huge feat for a company that built its profile as an eCommerce site.

Taking Advantage of DTR

Dynamic Text Replacement (DTR) allowed Indochino to figure out what clients were searching for through AdWords in order to integrate them into the landing pages. As a feature of Unbounce, DTR personalizes marketing campaigns by matching the copy in paid ads to the copy in Unbounce landing pages. In short, it increases the relevancy of a landing page for each individual user, making them more likely to convert to a customer.

At the end of the day, Unbounce ultimately frees up time in high growth startups and companies. By allowing Indochino to quickly build necessary landing pages without having to depend on an IT team, the launching of campaigns has become a quicker, more seamless process – especially when it comes to partnerships.

“Often marketers can land a great partnership, like we’ve been lucky to do with The Knot and Postmedia, but if you can’t generate relevant landing pages specific to the campaign quickly, you limit the momentum of the partnership along with creative opportunities,” said Craveiro. “With [Unbounce], we can be up and running in a couple of days and immediately see from ad to landing page how we’re performing. It’s helpful for understanding which partnerships we should run again.”

Not a bad way to ensure your highest ROI.

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