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Why Healthcare Brands Need To Step Up Their Social Media Marketing

Take a look at these healthcare social media marketing examples and discover how effective social media can be for building trust.
Take a look at these healthcare social media marketing examples and discover how effective social media can be for building trust.

In healthcare, social media marketing should be a priority. Of social media users, 80% use it to research doctors, hospitals, and medical information.

Not only that, but social media is a powerful tool for building trust, and 62% of people who have a high level of trust in a brand buy almost exclusively from that brand.

But figuring out how to build a social media presence that works isn’t easy. There’s no rule book and no best approach for the healthcare industry. What will create the most impact — and the highest return on investment (ROI) — depends on your brand’s personality and what resonates with your customers.

Check out some examples of healthcare brands killing it on social media. These brands are driving results because they publish social media content that is useful to their audience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Social media marketing is essential in healthcare because it’s so effective at building trust.
  • The most impactful healthcare social media campaigns reflect both the uniqueness of the brand and the target audience’s needs.
  • By checking out some of the healthcare brands that have a strong social media presence, you can see what a successful approach looks like.

Why Social Media Marketing Is Key in Healthcare

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving. New treatments, new technologies, new approaches to medicine – there is always a lot of information worth conveying to customers. One way to accomplish this is through publishing content on your website and social profiles.

There’s also a trust problem in healthcare. In a recent focus group study conducted by Deloitte, 55% of the participants said they’d had a negative experience that caused them to lose trust in their healthcare provider.

Content, and social media content, in particular, can be an essential channel for brands who want to build a sense of trust in their company. With social posts, you can share updates, educate your target audience, and show customers the human side of your brand.

Social media ads can also be an important part of a healthcare brand’s digital marketing strategy. Highly targeted ads on Facebook and Twitter, for example, can help to keep your company top of mind without seeming as disruptive as traditional television advertising.

How Healthcare Brands Are Using Social Media

There’s no one-size-fits-all way for healthcare companies to use social media. In fact, each social media site offers a unique opportunity for connecting with customers.

Healthcare Marketing on Instagram and TikTok

Through platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, brands can inspire and engage. A great example of this is the nurses on social media who use humor and creativity to share information and humanize the experience of visiting the doctor’s office or the hospital.

Tori Meskin BSN RNC-NIC, a NICU nurse, does an excellent job of this on her Instagram page. She uses it to educate, inform, and build her personal brand.

Prematurity Awareness

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This can be a highly effective strategy for brands that want to engage with Gen Z, who are known for being regular users on these social platforms.

Healthcare Marketing on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is excellent for healthcare brands that want to establish thought leadership. Pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and medical practices can all benefit from having a channel for sharing news on industry innovations and accomplishments.

Otsuka Pharmaceutical does a great job of this through its LinkedIn page, where it regularly posts information on clinical trials and company news.

Otsuka Pharmaceutical Companies

Healthcare Marketing on Facebook

With nearly 2.9 billion active monthly users, brands looking for a high marketing ROI will want to consider using Facebook for content and ads.

A Facebook-commissioned Nielsen study found that healthcare brands that use both Facebook and television advertising are able to increase brand awareness by 66% more than those brands that only use TV ads.

Brands such as GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) are using Facebook to connect with customers where they are to share their brand message and spark conversations around health topics.

According to Ryan Billings, the former head of GSK’s U.S. oncology digital marketing and customer experience team, “Our Facebook ads were the second-largest driver of sales, behind the work of our sales reps in the field.”

Healthcare Marketing on Twitter

Social media is also an excellent channel for sharing health tips and insights that can help your target audience live their best life.

Here’s a great example of Health Canada sharing useful healthy living tips about dementia.

Health Canada and PHAC

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Many people are looking for ways to improve their health online, and as a medical practice, hospital, or another health organization, people are likely to appreciate the guidance your brand provides.

Essentials for Healthcare Brands Developing a Social Media Presence

Creating a unique strategy will help your healthcare brand stand out. However, there are a few fundamentals you should include in your messaging.

Empathy and Understanding

In medical care, values such as empathy and clear communication are more important than ever. People aren’t just looking for knowledge and professionalism when choosing a medical care or insurance provider. They want to work with someone who respects them as an individual.

Clear Communication and a Show of Empathy

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You can express empathy through your social media marketing by posting content that addresses your target audience’s specific pain points. What health information do they need? Also, make it clear you’re aware of their concerns. This should be true whether it’s treatment safety, not wanting to be ignored at the doctor’s office, or anxiety over visiting a care provider.


From preventative health tips to information on common disease symptoms, people search for health info when they’re on social media sites – one patient survey found that 11% of Americans rely on social media to find health information, 9% turn to social media to evaluate treatment options, and 7% use it to learn about medication side effects.

Use education in your social media to build brand awareness. Similarly, help your audience access helpful information related to your brand’s area of medical expertise.


And finally, make it clear in your messaging that your brand is worth their trust. Share posts on the experience of your medical staff. If you’ve been treating patients or innovating medicine for a long time, let people know.

In medicine, people want to know your organization has the background to make it a trustworthy authority. You still want to put the customer first. However, in health, it is important to put some focus on how experienced your company is.

Trust Is Key in Healthcare, and Social Media Marketing Can Help You Build It

The bottom line is, people are looking for health information online. They expect their preferred brands to be active in the channels they use. With social media marketing, you can build awareness and show your audience you have their best interests in mind. This is the differentiator that will boost loyalty, increase your customer base, and help your healthcare company grow.

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