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Google launches marketing cloud offensive

Google Analytics 360 Suite was introduced yesterday as “a set of integrated data and marketing analytics products, designed specifically for the needs of enterprise-class marketers.” Among other things, the suite is designed to help those marketers see the complete customer journey, generate useful insights, not just more data, and deliver engaging experiences to the right people.

As commentators have already noted, this characterization of the suite places it squarely in competition with marketing cloud offerings by companies like Adobe, Oracle, Salesforce and IBM. Indeed, the details of the suite bear a striking resemblance to the integrated network of solutions offered, for example, by Adobe. It features a DMP (Google Audience Center 360); a website personalization product (Google Optimize 360); a data visualization product (Google Data Studio 360); as well as a tag manager and attribution software. It doesn’t, at present, include the kind social media management tools Adobe and Salesforce offer.

Just because Google chooses to enter a space, of course, does not mean that it will become a dominant player–look at social–but the news does complicate a race which had seemed to be resolving itself into a handful of runners. Commenting to The Hub, Rebecca Kaykas-Wolff, Director Product Marketing, Oracle Marketing Cloud, questioned whether this was really a new release, or rather a set of existing capabilities in new packaging. She also noted that it’s currently in beta.

“Oracle’s positioning is that we believe marketers should take a best in breed approach to their advertising tech stack that solves a broad array of monetization tactics across channels,” she said. “We believe that advertisers need to have open platforms that allow for breadth capabilities to serve all ad type products (display, search, social, video, mobile, etc.) as well as ensure agnostic performance and reporting capabilities. We would question how Google would deliver an agnostic and multi-channel view given their focus on ‘Search’ at the core of their strategy. We are truly open.”

Salesforce declined to comment for this article; Adobe had not responded by time of publication.

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