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Gen Z Okay With Tracking?

Gen Z Targeted Ads
Gen Z Targeted Ads

In an era where consumer privacy is a prominent concern and cookies are on their way out, digital marketers are seeking new ways to engage with their target audience. Recent research suggests that Gen Z, the generation born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, may be more comfortable with targeted advertising compared to older generations. This article delves into the preferences and behaviors of Gen Z consumers, exploring their acceptance of targeted ads, their online protection measures, and their shopping habits. By understanding the unique characteristics of Gen Z, marketers can tailor their strategies to effectively engage this influential demographic.

Gen Z: Embracing Targeted Ads

According to research conducted by Tinuiti, Gen Zers are three times more likely than older generations to allow tracking when presented with prompts such as Apple’s App Tracking Transparency. Approximately 37% of Gen Z consumers willingly accept tracking to receive more relevant advertising, while the majority of baby boomers opt out. This finding suggests that Gen Z is more receptive to targeted ads, recognizing their potential benefits in delivering personalized experiences.

Protecting Privacy Online: Gen Z vs. Baby Boomers

While Gen Z consumers are more inclined to embrace targeted ads, their approach to online privacy differs from that of baby boomers. The research reveals that Gen Zers are less likely to clear their browser cookies or use ad blockers. However, they are more likely to utilize virtual private networks (VPNs) as a means of safeguarding their online activities. This distinction in privacy protection measures highlights the evolving mindset of Gen Z, demonstrating their willingness to trade certain privacy aspects for personalized and relevant ad experiences.

The Power of Social Media Influence

It comes as no surprise that social media platforms play a significant role in Gen Z’s product discovery journey. TikTok, in particular, has emerged as a go-to platform for this generation. Moreover, the influence of social media influencers cannot be overstated. Over 75% of Gen Zers reported purchasing a product based on the recommendation of an influencer in the past year, significantly more than baby boomers. This heightened reliance on influencers highlights the growing importance of influencer marketing in reaching and engaging Gen Z consumers.

Research-Oriented Consumer Behavior

Gen Z’s purchasing decisions are driven by thorough research, both online and offline. This generation is more likely than baby boomers to proactively search for products and brands on search engines and social media platforms. Interestingly, Gen Zers are also more likely to scan QR codes, showcasing their adaptability to emerging technologies. The research indicates that Gen Z values information and actively seeks out reviews, recommendations, and brand values before making a purchase.

The Importance of Brand Values

The research sheds light on the significant role that brand values and beliefs play in Gen Z’s purchasing decisions. A staggering 74% of Gen Z consumers consider the values and beliefs of a brand to be at least somewhat important. This emphasis on aligning with brands that share their values sets Gen Z apart from other generations. Marketers must recognize this trend and incorporate authentic brand messaging that resonates with Gen Z’s unique perspectives and concerns.

Shopping Habits: Gen Z vs. Baby Boomers

Gen Z’s shopping habits differ from those of their older counterparts. The research reveals that Gen Zers are more likely to purchase consumer packaged goods (CPG) products from grocery stores, while baby boomers tend to prefer traditional brick-and-mortar establishments. Furthermore, Gen Z consumers embrace the convenience of online grocery shopping, with approximately 20% utilizing delivery platforms. This shift in shopping behavior calls for marketers to optimize their online presence and create seamless online shopping experiences to cater to Gen Z’s preferences.


Gen Z’s acceptance of targeted ads, coupled with their distinctive approach to online privacy and shopping habits, presents new opportunities and challenges for digital marketers. By leveraging the power of social media, influencers, and aligning with Gen Z’s values, brands can effectively engage this influential demographic. As marketers continue to adapt to the rapidly evolving digital landscape, understanding and catering to the preferences of Gen Z will be crucial in shaping the future of digital marketing. Transitioning from traditional advertising methods to personalized, relevant, and socially conscious strategies will ensure brands remain connected with Gen Z, the generation that is leading the way in the digital age.

See first source: Marketing Dive


Q1: Who is Gen Z, and why is their behavior significant for digital marketers?

A: Gen Z refers to the generation born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s. Their behavior is crucial for digital marketers due to their unique preferences and habits that impact how they interact with targeted ads, protect their online privacy, make purchasing decisions, and engage with brands.

Q2: How does Gen Z’s acceptance of targeted ads differ from older generations?

A: Research indicates that Gen Z is more receptive to targeted advertising. They are three times more likely than older generations to allow tracking for more relevant ads, recognizing the benefits personalized ads offer.

Q3: What privacy protection measures do Gen Z consumers take online?

A: While Gen Z is less likely to clear browser cookies or use ad blockers, they are more likely to use virtual private networks (VPNs) to safeguard their online activities. This shows a trade-off between privacy and personalized ad experiences.

Q4: Which social media platform has a significant influence on Gen Z’s product discovery?

A: TikTok has emerged as a major platform for Gen Z’s product discovery journey. It plays a pivotal role in influencing their purchasing decisions.

Q5: How influential are social media influencers for Gen Z consumers?

A: Over 75% of Gen Zers have made purchases based on influencer recommendations in the past year, showcasing the high level of influence influencers have on this generation’s shopping decisions.

Q6: How does Gen Z’s consumer behavior differ from baby boomers regarding research and reviews?

A: Gen Z is more research-oriented, actively searching for products, brands, and reviews on search engines and social media. They’re also more likely to scan QR codes, demonstrating their adaptability to new technologies.

Q7: What role do brand values and beliefs play in Gen Z’s purchasing decisions?

A: Brand values and beliefs are crucial for Gen Z consumers, with 74% considering them important. Aligning with brands that share their values is a significant factor in their decision-making process.

Q8: How do Gen Z’s shopping habits differ from baby boomers?

A: Gen Zers are more likely to purchase consumer packaged goods (CPG) products from grocery stores and embrace online grocery shopping, including delivery platforms. Baby boomers tend to prefer traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

Q9: What should digital marketers take away from Gen Z’s preferences and behavior?

A: Marketers should recognize Gen Z’s receptivity to targeted ads, their reliance on social media, influencers, and their emphasis on brand values. Adapting strategies to align with these preferences will help marketers effectively engage this influential demographic.

Q10: How can marketers adapt to Gen Z’s preferences for personalized and relevant marketing strategies?

A: Marketers should optimize their online presence, create seamless online shopping experiences, and convey authentic brand messaging that resonates with Gen Z’s values and concerns. Transitioning from traditional methods to socially conscious strategies will foster meaningful connections with Gen Z.

Featured Image Credit: NordWood Themes; Unsplash -Thank you!

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