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Digital Assistants Can Help Your Business 3 Important Ways

Digital assistants can help your business. They can improve your content, engage audiences, and help you capitalize on market developments.
Digital assistants can help your business. They can improve your content, engage audiences, and help you capitalize on market developments.

Digital assistants can help your business. They can improve your content, engage audiences, and help you capitalize on market developments.

It’s critical for marketers to avoid acquiring a one-track mind. Sure, any type of content can be beneficial, and your plan must be consistent. Nevertheless, focusing too much on one medium may cause you to miss out on other opportunities. However, Alexa or Siri can help. These digital assistants can help your business by engaging your audiences.

In addition, they can even help you improve content and capitalize on market developments.

However, like with most things in life, it’s easier said than done. It’s easy to get comfortable with one strategy, especially if you’ve had some success with it. In addition, committing resources to try something new that you’re not sure about can be difficult.

Nonetheless, it is vital to diversity your content. There are a ton of ways to reach out to your audience and engage with them through the medium of their choice. Video has been all the rage for the past few years. However, audio material has recently made its way into the marketing mix of certain major corporations.

No, I’m not referring to web advertisements with catchy jingles, radio commercials, or even podcasts. I’m referring to personal digital assistants. You’ve undoubtedly asked Alexa, Siri, or Google for assistance before. However, did you realize that the same digital assistant who delivers you the weather forecast can also share custom information with your target audience? Therefore, if you’re planning to change your strategy to accommodate new technology, there are three things you should know.

You put in a lot of effort to improve your content’s visibility through SEO. However, what have you done to optimize it for voice search?

When you Google something, you typically enter in a few keywords to get the results you want, such as “excellent pizza New York.” But I’d say, “Hey Siri, can you recommend a decent pizza establishment in New York City?” if I were asking a digital assistant instead.

Because digital assistant interactions are considerably more conversational, you need to alter your SEO strategy to better meet the questions your clients are asking.

Individual keyword optimization won’t get you as many eyes or ears as it does now. Instead, write in a conversational tone to optimize for long-tailed keywords. These are what digital assistants can use to answer “where,” “what,” and “how” questions.

2. Assist Alexa in assisting your consumer.

Alexa, in addition to voice search, is an excellent platform for disseminating audio content.

Alexa users may add “skills” to their digital assistants, which expand Alexa’s capabilities to include a wide range of functions. These abilities might be as easy as asking Alexa for traffic reports. However, many firms have come up with innovative ways to use them to interact with new customers.

Cigna, for example, offers a skill that allows customers to ask Alexa to explain complex insurance words.

Lonely Planet, a travel guidebook publisher, is another excellent example. It has a feature that allows users to plan their next vacation. Users can ask Alexa about a potential trip, and she will tell them what sights to see and when the best time to visit is. It will even send images of the location to the user via email.

These abilities don’t have to be difficult. Although Cigna does not allow users to buy insurance, and Lonely Planet can not guarantee a space on a historic walking tour, these skills are nonetheless useful to customers.

Alexa can communicate with potential consumers on your behalf thanks to skills like these. Therefore, developing content for it is a terrific way to get your brand out there.

3. Digital assistants can help your business through service.

One thing to keep in mind about the Cigna and Lonely Planet techniques: neither promotes Cigna or Lonely Planet directly.

Therefore, to invoke this, users will say “Alexa, ask Lonely Planet,” or “Alexa, ask Cigna.” However, Alexa will not book deals, respond with insurance plans, or offer other promotional content. These abilities aim only at establishing the Lonely Planet or Cigna brands as the go-to places for consumers seeking insurance or travel information. That’s the link you’re looking to make.

Users do not want marketing to hit them in the face. Instead, they prefer to be given a service. This is true for any type of content you create. Promotion irritates audiences, and 79 percent of magazine editors believe that the biggest issue with guest content is that it is excessively promotional.

Therefore, it’s critical that your audio content isn’t solely for the goal of selling your products. You won’t win any hearts if your material is too brand-heavy and promotes you more than it delivers value to your viewers.


The way we use the internet is changing thanks to digital assistants. They can assist us in finding the solution to practically any question.

In addition, they can do it in a more efficient manner than launching a search engine. With audio content, you, as a marketer, have the potential to provide solutions to such questions for your customers.

Therefore, utilize this opportunity by optimizing your material for voice search and generating audio content. It should be content that allows customers to communicate with your organization via their digital assistant.

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