Hitmetrix - User behavior analytics & recording

Crowdsourcing to find best brew

The Offer: In preparation for its entry into the beer market in June, Casella Wines, the family-owned Australian vintner behind the international Yellow Tail range, tapped digital agency AnalogFolk to create a free mobile app to discover — and ultimately replicate — the ideal beer-drinking experience. Users who download the “Perfect Lager Project” app, positioned as a game, are asked to enter information about their favorite beer moments, including weather conditions, mood and “the perfect number of mates to share a beer with.”

The Data: The app is only available in Australia to those over 18 years of age. The lager project maintains its own Facebook page, with roughly 1,000 “likes” last May. The behavioral and market data captured by the app will be used by Casella to create and sell the “perfect lager.”

The Channel: The app includes image recognition of any beer. Users who photograph what they’re drinking and enter basic information about the experience can then easily share their “lager moment” on Facebook.

The Creative: An age gate on the microsite requires visitors to confirm their age. Those under 18 are whisked to the home page of Australian children’s music group The Wiggles.

The Verdict:

Flora Caputo is VP and executive creative director at Jacobs Agency. A working mom, Caputo is also a prolific blogger on domestic topics, such as gardening, baking and crafts. Her client roster runs the b-to-b and b-to-c gamut, from Kraft Foods and Kellogg’s to Accenture and Microsoft. Read our Q&A with Flora for more.

Casella takes a well-calculated risk entering the crowded lager market. When the campaign ends, Casella will have a lot of fodder and will have pre-sold ambassadors to launch their perfect lager. I enjoyed the experience, and the strategy is super-smart. However, I was confused about who Casella was targeting with this campaign and why.

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