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Convindex monitors real-time video content engagement


Convindex is a digital video content tracking and measurement platform specifically developed to address marketing and communications needs.

It features a live online dashboard that tracks and reports real-time video content engagement results, including metrics around awareness, lead and enquiry generation, and social amplification. 

A one-time setup fee starts at $10,000 and varies according to number of videos, channels, and playlists, as well as the timeframe of historic video data – six, 12, or 24 months.

Monthly cost starts at $1,000 for unlimited access to up to three dashboard seats. Price breaks are available on annual plans.

David Marine, VP of brand engagement for Coldwell Banker Real Estate, has been using Convindex since September 2014.

How do you use it?
We had two YouTube channels that we wanted to integrate. We provided Convindex with credentials for both, and they were in the system in less than a week.

The interface is fantastic and user friendly. You log on and immediately know what you’re looking at. Information is graphed, plotted, and clickable so you can dig deeper into metrics.

One of the first things you see is the overall engagement level for your channels. You also get a breakdown based on playlists, and you can see views by the referring source and device (mobile, desktop, console, and TV).

There’s a video shelf time views metric that’s helpful because it shows you at what point in time a video becomes irrelevant.

You can also see breakdowns around embedded views and scores as well as subscriber breakdowns, which include male versus female subscribers and demographic breakdowns of channel subscribers.

We haven’t had any problems. If we did, I’d call the account representative. Overall customer service has been great. We’ve had conversations about adding different functions, and the team is open to feedback. 

How does it serve your business needs?
Coldwell Banker is committed to video content. We created the first YouTube channel in real estate about six years ago to give consumers a way to search for homes for sale and for brokers. Video permeates every channel for us now.

Convindex gives us a measure of the effectiveness of our online videos that we’re not getting from any other platform. 

YouTube gives you number of views, but what does that really mean? If you have 20 million views, perhaps 20 million people only watched the first three seconds of a video. Convindex allows us to see specifically where people are dropping off when viewing a video in addition to many other metrics and scores.

For example, we can get insight into specific content groups, such as home tips. As a category, we learned home tips are working well, but certain specific videos aren’t doing so great. We were able to analyze what is different about the videos that aren’t working well and determine how to improve them.

We created a video series called Home Tip of the Day. These are 30- to 40-second videos that give viewers a simple home hack. Before we started using Convindex, we knew these videos were getting a couple of hundred views, but we weren’t really sure how effective they were.

Using the platform allowed us to see that the series is one of our top performers in terms of engagement. The videos weren’t expensive to create, so we learned that with low investment, we could still create engaging short-form content.

On the flip side, some recruiting videos that we had invested more money in weren’t performing as well. So, it’s not just the cheap and easy videos that work.

What are the main benefits?
It’s affordable and the ability to see what content is and is not working is great. It provides a simplified way of identifying how many people are watching an entire video versus only part of a video.

What are the main drawbacks?
Right now you can’t see how your content is doing compared to that of your competitors. I know Convindex is interested in creating benchmark scoring levels within industry categories.

What would you like to see improved/added?
Though it’s great to see how videos are performing based on medium, it would be helpful to have an added layer of geographic information. For example, I’d like to know if a video of a house for sale in Miami has higher engagement from people in France than from those in Spain. If we could tell which videos are performing better in specific markets, then we could start creating more targeted videos for those audiences.

I would also like to be able to see metrics around specific date ranges. For example, if we had a media buy around a specific set of videos, I’d like to narrow those dates to determine the impact of that buy. I know Convindex is working on this as well. 

: Provides data around ad-supported YouTube content.

Zefr: Provides a Brand ID product for YouTube that includes tools to discover discover relevant topics, influencers, and influences; targeting and optimization tools; and in-depth analytics.

This article first appeared on PRWeek.com

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