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Choosing Marketing Channels: Good, Better, Best

There is no one-size-fits-all recipe for distributing your goods, so choosing marketing channels for your products can be a difficult task.
There is no one-size-fits-all recipe for distributing your goods, so choosing marketing channels for your products can be a difficult task.

There is no one-size-fits-all recipe for distributing your goods, so choosing marketing channels for your products can be a difficult task.

It can be challenging to identify efficient strategies to contact your target market, whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for a while. Choosing your marketing channels requires looking closely at the needs of both your business and your potential customer.

Therefore, breaking down all of the criteria that go into channel selection is one method to make the process easier. Your customer base, available resources, and the nature of your product might all influence your decision.

Explore the following factors when you consider your alternatives. After that, you’ll have an easier time choosing marketing channels for your company.

Factor No. 1: What are your product’s physical characteristics?

The physical characteristics of a product can sometimes define how it should be delivered.

Not everything can be delivered easily. In addition, certain objects must be treated with greater care than others.

For example, if your product is enormous and heavy, shipping it across the country may not be feasible. Furthermore, suppose you offer something perishable, such as food or cosmetics. You’ll want to get it into the hands of your clients as soon as possible. Therefore, it’s essential to look for a short marketing channel in these situations.

You have additional possibilities if your product is sturdy and easy to ship. In this situation, having a longer distribution route with more intermediaries may provide you with benefits such as a larger distribution region.

Factor No. 2: What kind of brand image are you aiming for?

From start to finish, your clients’ buying experience shapes your brand’s entire image.

The location and manner in which a person purchases your goods are just as significant as the product’s quality. Therefore, explore which distribution channels support the type of brand image you want to build. This is something you do as you are choosing your marketing channels.

For example, suppose selling your products at Walmart meant reaching more customers. You probably wouldn’t want to link your business with exclusivity or originality. Rather, you might target more specialized shops or perhaps focus on self-distribution of your goods online.

Factor No. 3: What is the level of technicality in your product?

Short marketing channels or selling straight to clients will benefit you more if your product is specialized or tough to use.

That’s because customers are typically hesitant to take a chance on an “intimidating” product unless they’ve already established a relationship with the company.

Therefore, leads must have confidence in your ability to assist them with setup.

In addition, they must provide technical support if something goes wrong. If you sell specialist software or complex gear, for example, you should concentrate on carefully selecting leads and cultivating connections with them. Do this rather than spreading your goods as much as possible.

Factor No. 4: Do you sell to people or companies?

Selling to businesses necessitates a different approach than selling to consumers.

It’s true that most B2C businesses don’t need to create personal relationships with clients. If that is the case, retail may be a smart alternative for you if you’re selling to individuals.

If you own a B2B company, though, retail isn’t an option. It’s too impersonal, and it won’t get your product in front of the appropriate people at the right time.

Your best bet will most likely be to sell directly or through an agency.

Factor No. 5: How big is your target market, and how diversified is it geographically?

Where do you want to market your goods? In addition, how many people do you anticipate purchasing it?

Look for marketing channels that can handle the area you want to serve. In addition, make sure they can handle the number of customers you expect.

Setting up your own store or selling your product door-to-door could be an option for a small, local business. However, if you want to reach a larger audience, the internet is an excellent alternative. With that, even small, new enterprises may thrive.

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